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Legal Options for Bellaire, Texas Construction Workers Injured by Third Parties

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

The construction industry is well-known for how dangerous it can be. However, accidents due to negligence are never expected and can result in serious injury, disfigurement, and even death. Construction injuries are some of the most complicated injury cases to prosecute because of the layering of different contractors on site at one time. More often than not, these cases result in responsibility being allocated to a third-party.

If you have been in a construction accident involving a third-party in Bellaire, TX it’s important to know your legal options and when to talk to an attorney.

Defining a Third-Party in Construction Accidents

The Texas legal code 33.011 (6) states that a responsible third party is defined as:

“Any person who is alleged to have caused or contributed to causing in any way the harm for which recovery of damages is sought, whether by negligent act or omission, by any defective or unreasonably dangerous product, by other conduct or activity that violates an applicable legal standard, or by any combination of these.”

Examples of Third-Party Negligence
  • Falling from scaffolding due to malfunction with the metal
  • Struck by a forklift where safety precautions failed
  • Safety goggles not protecting the wearer as advertised when worn as directed
What Are Third Parties Responsible for in a Construction Accident?

Third-parties are named in your case by your direct employer and the third-party to share a portion of the responsibility for the following costs:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Forfeited Potential Earnings
  • Pain & Suffering
  • Therapies
  • Funeral Costs

These claims are additional to any workers compensation you receive from your employer. However, not all construction workers are entitled to workers compensation, and not all employers are properly insured to provide it. If you have been denied workers compensation, and are pursuing legal action after a construction accident, contact a member of our team of Texas lawyers today.

Third-Party Liability in Bellaire TX Construction Accidents

Depending on your employment status, you may have received insufficient or no workers compensation. Or, given the nature of the injuries, the workers compensation you received was not enough to cover your expenses. Adding a third-party claim will allow you to collect more damages to cover your expenses as well as compensate you for pain and suffering.

The first step in exploring your legal options for construction site injuries is to understand why adding a third party to your claim benefits you. If this is you, consider contacting an attorney for your free initial consultation.

Examples of third parties may include:

  • Equipment Manufacturers
  • Property Owners
  • Architects
  • Other Contractors

To pursue a third party claim your chosen Texas attorney will need to:

  1. Identify potential third-parties using documentation and witness testimony before the end of the statue of limitation.
  2. Designate the responsible person within the third-party and secure their contact information.
  3. Determine their portion of responsibility.
  4. Add their name, address, and contact information to your case before the first trial date.
Pursuing Third-Party Claims for Your Construction Accident

Although pursuing justice for Bellaire Texas construction worker injuries is a complicated and potentially time consuming process, there is immense benefit to you. If you are interested but are overwhelmed by the work needed to pursue justice, consider contacting Bellaire Tx personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw.

Our law firm has over 200 years of combined legal experience at our back and Carabin Shaw reviews testify that we handle each case with sensitivity while aggressively fighting for the settlement you deserve. We also offer our services on a contingency-fee basis because we believe in our ability to win every case we take on.

Free Case Review for Injured Workers at Carabin Shaw

We have English and Spanish speaking staff available 24/7 to take your call on our toll free number: 800-862-1260. Call Carabin Shaw today to schedule your free initial consultation and start your road to recovery

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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