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Jacinto City TX Construction Accidents - Workers’ Comp & Third-Party Liability for Injuries

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Jacinto City is a small Houston suburb big on construction, a lucrative but dangerous Texas industry. Work injuries often keep construction workers home, sometimes facing ongoing medical care requiring significant time and money. Accident victims must pay their bills while out of work, but is workers’ compensation the only option?

The Jacinto City work accident lawyers at Carabin Shaw help injured workers weigh their compensation options so they can focus on their recovery. Victims may be able to pursue damages from other parties in addition to workers' compensation. Our client reviews attest to our ability to maximize damages for accident victims.

If you’ve been injured, we are available 24/7 at 800-862-1260. Contact us now for a free case review in English or Spanish.

Severe Injuries From Jacinto City TX Construction Accidents

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) lists the four most common construction hazards (dubbed the “Fatal Four”):

  • Falls
  • Struck-by (fixed or falling equipment)
  • Caught-in/between (equipment, trenches, or vehicles)
  • Electrocutions

These accidents are responsible for most fatalities on construction sites in Jacinto City, Texas, but they can also result in severe injuries for survivors. Injuries like spinal cord damage and traumatic brain injuries can leave victims unable to return to their jobs or even care for themselves. Severe burns and lacerations may cause significant scarring and disfigurement that impacts the survivor for a lifetime.

These devastating injuries can also come at a high financial cost at a time when you may not be able to work and earn a wage. Fortunately, accident victims have compensation options.

What You Need to Know About Workers’ Comp in Texas

Texas is the only state that does not require private employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. However, most companies have it since it protects them from lawsuits filed by injured employees. If you are injured on the job and your employer has workers’ comp, you can immediately file a claim with the insurance.

Workers’ compensation offers various benefits, including:

  • Reimbursement for “necessary” medical costs
  • Income benefits for the time you cannot work
  • Burial and death benefits if work injuries lead to death

Necessary medical costs are those approved by the workers’ comp insurance provider. Income benefits only pay a portion of your lost wages, and burial benefits do not cover 100% of funeral costs. Workers’ comp is limited, and those limits are more pronounced for employees with catastrophic or fatal injuries.

One of your rights under Texas law is the right to hire an attorney to help you with your workers’ comp claim. This step may seem unnecessary, but a legal professional will protect your rights and compensation. Although benefits are limited, your legal team will ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Additional Compensation Options After a Construction Site Accident in Jacinto City

Construction sites usually involve many people and companies. Someone outside of your immediate employer, known as a third party, could also contribute to your construction accident. Examples of third parties include:

  • General contractors and subcontractors
  • Property owners
  • Other motorists
  • Equipment manufacturers
  • Architects and engineers

If a third party is responsible for your accident, Texas statutes allow you to file a personal injury lawsuit in addition to your workers’ compensation claim.

Unlike workers’ comp, a personal injury lawsuit requires you to prove the responsible party’s negligence led directly to your injuries and expenses. Negligence means failing to behave with the duty of care a reasonable individual would employ in the same situation to keep others safe on the worksite.

Your lawyer will investigate your accident to gather evidence that demonstrates negligence. Evidence may include eyewitness statements, accident reports, photos of the scene, and expert testimony. In most cases, the investigation leads to settlement negotiations without the need to go to trial.

Injured and Unable to Pay Your Bills? Call Carabin Shaw Now To Schedule Your FREE Initial Consultation Because You Deserve Justice & Compensation

A work injury can leave you in pain and uncertain if your life will ever return to normal again. Our compassionate work injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw understand the trauma surrounding these incidents. We focus on maximizing damages so our clients can focus on their recovery. We offer our services on a contingency-fee-basis, so you pay nothing upfront. Contact us toll-free now at 800-862-1260.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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