How to Avoid San Antonio Dog Bites / Attacks
Oftentimes dog owners don’t follow basic principles and practices to prevent their dogs from hurting you or your loved ones. When a dog bite happens, financial loss, injuries or even death can result. That is why you should call our San Antonio Dog Attack/Animal Bite Lawyers at Carabin Shaw Law Firm.
Why?It is important to understand that you need to learn how to avoid dog bites/attacks because of human error in raising and securing their dog. In many instances, dog owners have not properly trained their dog to not attack passersby and/or fail to make sure their dog is secured on their property or on a leash of some sort.
Because of the owner’s failure to take proper measures, it is important to know how to protect yourself from attacks/bites. It is also important to know what to do if these avoidance tips do not help, or are not possible and you are bitten/attacked by a dog, and that is to call Carabin Shaw Law Firm and talk with our team of San Antonio Dog Attack/Animal Bite Lawyers.
Tips to Avoid Being BittenIn the event you are confronted by an aggressive dog, the most important thing to do is to stay calm. It is important you do not start yelling or kicking at the dog because its aim is to stress you out before it attacks. By remaining calm and in control, it throws off their attack. You also want to avoid direct eye contact, and stand slightly sideways to make you a narrow target.
Once your assertive but calm energy keeps the dog back, you will want to claim your own space and place any object you may have with you out in front of yourself to appear bigger and more in command. By keeping calm and assertive, you create a barrier between you and the dog. Once the dog senses you are not threatening/threatened by it, the situation will likely de-escalate.
Help for Dog BitesIf you or a loved one has been a victim of a dog attack/animal bite, call our San Antonio Dog Attack/Animal Bite Lawyers at Carabin Shaw Law Firm. Our dedicated team of lawyers know the rules and regulations that animal owners must follow. Call us at 210-222-2288, day or night, for more information.