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How Burn Injuries Happen | Colorado Springs Burn Injury Attorneys

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

A catastrophic burn injury is painful and debilitating for the victim and the victim’s family. Treatment can be difficult, lengthy, and costly. While the majority of serious burn injuries occur at home, they can also occur at work, at another person’s residence, a vacation rental, or in public (such as at a restaurant or hotel). If you have been burned in Colorado Springs, a trusted Colorado Springs burn injury attorney can help.

Have you or someone you love sustained a serious burn injury due to the negligence of another? The Colorado injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw have over three decades of combined experience representing clients pursuing personal injury lawsuits. Read below to learn a bit more about how burn injuries happen, and call us at 800-862-1260 with any additional questions.

Our attorneys offer a free case review / initial consultation to advise victims about their legal options moving forward.

Common Causes of Fires and Burn Injuries in Colorado Space Heaters

In the coldest Colorado winter months, residents naturally want to turn up the heat. Home heating, however, is one of the top causes of fires in American homes. Fires can happen when the heaters are placed too close to flammable objects like curtains or mattresses. They may also be caused by a defective product or a negligent landlord.

If a heater is defective or the product warning was inadequate, you may be eligible for a product liability lawsuit. A negligent landlord may also be responsible for faulty wiring, a malfunctioning smoke alarm, etc. An experienced accident attorney in Colorado Springs will advise you given your specific circumstances.

Building Fires, Apartment Fires, Home Fires

In addition to heating equipment, fires in buildings and homes can be caused by cooking equipment, electrical appliances (defective wiring, loose connections, overloaded circuits, etc.), and smoking. If your property was damaged or if you were caught in a building fire due to the negligence of another, you may have a viable burn accident claim.

Wildfires, which are common in Colorado, can be another source of fire damage. In a Colorado wildfire if the fire was caused by negligence or if a person started a fire with malicious intent, those with damage or injuries can usually file a suit.

Defective Products

A defective product may be improperly labeled, violated their warranty, or may have a design/manufacturing/marketing defect. Serious injuries from these products can result in permanent impairments, scarring, and even disfigurement.

Common defective or dangerous products that may cause severe burns include e-cigarettes, electric blankets, pressure cookers, etc.

Auto Accidents

Serious auto accidents can sometimes result in catastrophic burn injuries from fires, scalding from hot liquids, thermal burns, and more. Our burn injury lawyers serving Colorado are also experienced in auto accident and personal injury cases. We are able to investigate your injuries and argue for the maximum compensation possible.

Workplace Accidents

Manufacturing, medical, construction, energy (coal), and automotive industries are substantial in Colorado Springs. At any of these jobs, a worker can be injured by dangerous chemicals, electricity, equipment malfunctions, and more. Shortcuts in regards to safety procedures may also cause injury.

Colorado employers are required to provide workers’ compensation for their employees, which covers worker illness and injury regardless of fault. If your burns were caused by a third party, such as a manufacturer or another company, you still may be able to file a suit.

If you have been victim to any of the burn injuries listed above, an experienced Colorado Springs burn injury attorney can help you to recover what you’ve lost.

Contact the personal injury lawyers in Colorado Springs at Carabin Shaw for a free case review and initial consultation. We have won large settlements on behalf of our previous clients, and we pride ourselves on our dedication to serving victims of catastrophic injuries resulting from negligence.

Free Case Review | Contact the Colorado Injury Lawyers at Carabin Shaw

No matter where your injury took place—at home, work, school, another residence, in public, etc.—our personal injury lawyers serving Colorado Springs are dedicated to fighting for justice on behalf of our clients.

If you have suffered severe burn injuries and believe negligence was involved, call our legal team toll-free at 800-862-1260 to schedule your free consultation. We are available 24/7, and have Spanish-speaking staff and attorneys available as well.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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