Holding Construction Companies Accountable for Serious Injuries in Irving, Texas
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Construction zones are understandably hazardous, and worker injuries are common despite preventive measures. However, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and private vehicle occupants can also suffer injuries due to construction zone accidents. If you or a loved one was hurt in an Irving, Texas construction zone accident, and you didn’t work there, a lawyer can help you to hold the construction company liable for your injuries.
The Irving construction zone injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw have decades of experience helping people get compensation for their injuries. Our client reviews tell the stories of many victims who are satisfied not only with their compensation, but also with the compassionate legal services they received from our team. We take care of our clients, which is why we offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, so your financial situation won’t prevent you from getting the compensation you deserve.
Serious Injuries in Texas Construction ZonesSerious injuries in construction zones can range from skin lacerations to death. The large equipment used on construction sites contributes to the danger, but the confusion and frustration involved in construction zone travel can also contribute to fault. Examples of serious injuries in Texas construction zones include:
- Lacerations and abrasions
- Bone fractures
- Head and neck injuries
- Concussion
- Burns
- Electrocution
There are endless situations that can cause harmful accidents to occur in Irving, Texas construction zones. For example, a pedestrian can be hit by a falling object while walking by the site. A bicycle could be struck by construction vehicles. That is why a construction accident attorney in Irving Texas will make sure the construction company is held liable in complex cases where more than one party may be at-fault.
Construction Company Liability in Construction ZonesThe courts hold construction companies liable for their negligence. This means the construction company had a duty to perform a certain act, and because they failed to perform that duty, injuries happened. Duties the court may expect a construction company to perform include:
- “No pedestrian crossing” signs
- Fenced paths for pedestrians and cyclists
- Traffic control devices
- Flaggers
- Crash cushions
- Safety education
Despite safety efforts, construction sites may be confusing, and workers may make mistakes that lead to injurious accidents. The court will hold them liable for negligence when applicable.
Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Irving, TexasThe statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Texas is usually two years, but you should consult with an attorney to make sure that is true for your case. Hiring a lawyer also ensures that you file your lawsuit in the correct court, and that the court hears a well-organized and professional complaint.
You can claim the following types of damages:
- Economic: current and future medical bills, repair costs, lost wages
- Noneconomic: pain and suffering, emotional injury
- Punitive damages: court-awarded damages that serve as a deterrent for repeated acts of negligence
Some of the damages in construction accidents are difficult to translate into monetary amounts. An experienced lawyer will aid you in asking for an amount that covers your bills and the subsequent damages that don’t come with a price tag.
The Best Irving Texas Construction Company Negligence Attorneys at Carabin Shaw - Call Today to Schedule Your Free ConsultationThe complicated liability involved in construction company negligence is best handled by experienced legal teams such as those available at Carabin Shaw. We understand the Texas civil court system and can improve the efficiency and the success of your lawsuit. Construction zone accidents are often serious, and you should not suffer financially for your injuries. Hold the construction company liable by calling an Irving construction site injury lawyer today.
At Carabin Shaw we offer a free case review when you call our toll-free number at 800-862-1260. Our English- AND Spanish-speaking staff is available 24/7 to answer your call and schedule your first appointment. Get the financial recovery you need to move past your construction zone accident by calling today.
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