Hill Country What to do After an Auto Accident

The Texas Hill Country is home to many winding roads tucked in between lush valleys and impressive rock formations. With narrow roads and twisting turns comes opportunity for disaster. Motor accidents on Texas country roads are very common. With losses ranging from minor property damage to multiple car pile ups with major property damage and severe personal injuries. Accidents on Texas back roads may have major life-changing consequences. After you've been in an accident in Boerne, Comfort, Kerrville, Bandera or Fredericksburg, contact a Hill Country auto accident lawyer here at Carabin Shaw to advise you on how to handle the aftermath of an auto accident.

If you have been injured in a car collision in the Texas Hill Country, what to do after an auto accident is certainly going to be a question you have. There are several stages of being in a car accident: The car accident, immediately after a car accident, the investigation, medical treatment, insurance negotiations and legal action. Each stage entails different actions that need to be taken in order to ensure that you are compensated for your loss.

The Car Accident
  • The moment you suffer property damage of your vehicle or sustain an injury(s) in a car crash.
Immediately After A Car Accident
  • Put emergency lights on to signal to other drivers they should go around you
  • Call the Hill Country police
  • If it is safe and you are physically able to do so, exit your vehicle
  • Check if passengers are injured, if they are, also call for an ambulance
  • Take plenty of pictures of the scene
  • If it is safe, move your car to off to the side of the road
  • Stay at the scene of the accident until the police arrive and evaluate the situation
  • Exchange personal information with the other drivers: names, addresses, telephone numbers and insurance information
  • If there are any witnesses, get their personal information
  • Do not discuss the accident with others
  • Write down important facts regarding the accident, like time, date and location
  • Call your lawyer if you are injured or there are major damages
  • Call your insurance company to report the accident
Medical Treatment
  • Seek immediate medical attention
  • Continue medical treatment until your injuries have been resolved
  • Do not discuss your injuries with any insurance companies nor allow them to access your medical records
Insurance Negotiations
  • It is important to meet with your attorney to discuss your options
  • Let your lawyer review the policies involved to figure out what route to take when pursuing damages
  • Once all the coverages have been reviewed, your attorney can begin negotiations with the insurance companies
Legal Action
  • In the event that the insurance companies are not willing to pay you a reasonable amount for your losses, filing a lawsuit may be necessary

Once you have been in a car wreck in the Hill Country, what to do after an auto accident is one of the most common questions people ask in addition to, do I need an attorney to represent me? How do I file a claim? How do I deal with insurance companies? These questions a better left answered by our Hill Country legal team. After you've been involved in one of the many Hill Country auto accidents that happen everyday contacting our team of seasoned legal professionals is what will ultimately save your life.

After you have been in a car crash in the Hill Country what to do after an auto accident

is simple, stay calm and call one of our experienced lawyers to get to work for you. We know being in a car accident caused by a negligent driver is unfortunate, but fortunately there are laws to protect you. It is at your best interest to have a lawyer by your side to protect your rights so you don’t end up paying personally or financially for somebody else’s wrongdoing.

The Carabin Shaw injury attorneys are just a phone call away. By calling us, we will consult with you and explain your options, answer your questions and we will provide you with the tranquility and peace of mind you deserve. Our Hill Country auto accident lawyers are standing by and are prepared to help you. Contact us today via email or, by phone at 210-222-2288 day or night.


Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.