Hewitt, Texas Third Party Construction Site Accidents - Work Injury Attorneys
CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260
Hewitt is a small Texas town with ample employment opportunities, thanks to its proximity to bustling areas like Waco. Many Hewitt residents work in construction to accommodate growing populations. While the work is steady and the pay is decent, workers face hazards daily. Construction is the 2nd-most dangerous profession in the U.S., and Texas tops the country for construction risks.
Construction workers often make the mistake of thinking that workers’ compensation is their only option. However, construction accidents can be the fault of a party outside your employer, known as a third party. The Hewitt TX lawyers at Carabin Shaw investigate construction accidents to identify at-fault third parties, hold them responsible, and maximize damages for our clients. We are available 24/7 at 800-862-1260 and provide free consultations in English or Spanish.
What are Third Party Work Accidents?Multiple parties outside your immediate employer may be involved in a construction project, such as:
- General contractors and subcontractors
- Property owners
- Engineers or architects
- Equipment manufacturers
Any of these parties may contribute to a construction accident through negligence. For example:
- A subcontractor may fail to post a warning about a newly dug trench.
- An equipment manufacturer may create a defective tool that harms an employee.
- An engineer designing the project may miss a key detail, causing a dangerous situation.
If you are injured on the job and your employer has workers’ compensation, you can file a claim no matter who is at fault for the accident. You can also file a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault third party, increasing the damages you can seek. Contact a Hewitt injury attorney to learn more.
What are the Advantages of Third-Party Construction Accident Claims?Workers’ compensation is available to injured employees regardless of the type of accident, extent of injuries, and time off work. The insurance pays for “necessary” medical bills and a portion of lost wages. If a worker dies from injuries, workers’ compensation also pays for some funeral expenses and other income loss due to the death.
Workers’ compensation also has substantial limits. Employees who suffer severe injuries or can’t return to their jobs may find the compensation insufficient for all their financial needs. Filing a personal injury lawsuit against a third party, in addition to workers’ compensation, typically ensures that victims receive enough damages to pay all their bills so that they can focus on what’s most important—their recovery.
Some of the damages you can seek in a third-party claim include:
- Additional reimbursement for medical costs
- Additional compensation for lost wages
- Loss of future earnings
- Pain and suffering
- Mental and emotional anguish
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Disability and disfigurement
- Loss of consortium
Your Texas attorney will help you calculate damages based on your total medical bills, the severity of your injuries, and the impact of your injury on your life and work.
How to Maximize Damages for a Work Injury in Hewitt, TexasAlthough workers’ compensation is available without proof of fault, a personal injury lawsuit requires you to prove that the third party’s negligence led to the accident and your injuries. Negligence is a failure to behave with a reasonable level of care and involves these elements:
- The at-fault party owed a legal duty of care to prevent harm to the victim
- The at-fault party breached that duty by failing to take proper precautions
- Their breach led directly to the accident and harm to the victim (proximate cause)
- The victim’s harm would not have happened if the at-fault party’s actions had not occurred (cause-in-fact)
Your lawyer’s investigation into the accident will allow them to gather the necessary documentation to prove negligence. Evidence might include an accident report, photos of the scene, eyewitness testimonies, employer logs, and medical records.
Hurt on the Job? Contact Carabin Shaw’s Top Hewitt Work Accident Attorneys Now To Schedule Your FREE Case Review!Many people have been injured in a construction accident in Texas, but if you are one of them, you may feel very much alone. Our compassionate team at Carabin Shaw is here to help you. We offer our services on a contingency-fee-basis, so you don’t pay until we win your case. Check our client reviews to see how we can help you maximize damages, and then call us toll-free at 800-862-1260.
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