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Freeport Workplace Accident Lawyers

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

If you live or work in Freeport, Texas, you’re likely familiar with the top employers in the larger Brazosport area: supermarket chains, construction companies, chemical complexes, and more. Although most companies strive to comply with safety standards, it’s unfortunately true that many employees experience accidents while working.

In fact, the Dow Chemical Company—the largest employer in the Freeport area—consistently aims to reduce the number of serious injuries and fatalities on industrial sites. Even if you work at a school or office, however, you’re still subject to workplace risks. If you’ve suffered an injury while performing any type of job, the Texas workers’ compensation attorneys at Carabin Shaw can help you understand your rights.

What to Do After an Occupational Injury

Following a workplace injury or illness, you should take three important steps:

  • Report the incident to your employer. If your employer has workers’ compensation insurance, then you must notify them of your injury within 30 days of either its occurrence or the date you learned that the injury is related to your work. If you don’t report within the required timeframe, you might not be eligible to submit a claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
  • Receive medical care. It’s critical to seek medical attention not just for your well-being but for the overall strength of your insurance claims. For instance, healthcare documentation influences your awarded medical benefits. However, note that the workers’ compensation system requires you to choose from a predetermined network of doctors who must follow specific rules when prescribing treatments.
  • Contact Freeport work injury lawyers. At every stage, your legal team deeply understands your vulnerabilities and obstacles. Hiring a lawyer can only expand your options, and contacting the team at Carabin Shaw requires no financial commitment. Members of our staff speak both English and Spanish, and they’re available 24/7 by phone at the number 1-800-862-1260. You don’t pay any fees when you call to set up a completely free initial consultation and case review.
Common Types of Injuries

Workplace duties can result in moderate to severe impairments that suddenly or gradually occur. Although compensation for a severe injury might seem straightforward, accounting for the costs of long-term treatments and related future issues is challenging. Similarly, proving that your occupational duties caused a gradual injury might require significant legal knowledge.

The Freeport workplace accident lawyers at Carabin Shaw know how to advocate for fair compensation for any of the following common types of injuries:

  • Trips, slips, and falls that happen quickly and vary in severity
  • Accidents involving machines or vehicles, which cause the most fatalities overall
  • Repetitive stress injuries that occur from performing the same motions over time

Regardless of the cause, you might suffer more than one injury that involves multiple body systems and has far-reaching consequences.

Types of Compensation That You Might Receive

Under Texas workers’ compensation laws, you can receive various kinds of economic benefits after you experience a Freeport, TX, work accident. For example, you can use medical benefits to pay your healthcare bills. Income benefits also provide a portion of the wages you lose when you can’t work.

In addition, your lawyers might determine that you have a valid case for a lawsuit against an uninsured employer or another party. If so, you can seek to recover more noneconomic damages than you can through workers’ comp. Pain and suffering, for instance, are common damages listed in personal injury claims.

How an Experienced Attorney Can Help

No benefits are guaranteed in any case. Although lawyers provide helpful counsel for even simple situations, legal advice is especially useful if your case is complicated by the following factors:

  • Multiple serious and complex injuries
  • Inadequate medical evidence
  • Claim disputes or denials
  • Nuanced insurance negotiations

Carabin Shaw’s client reviews illustrate how our team will work tirelessly on your behalf in even the most difficult circumstances.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Client Reviews
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