FAQs Following a Catastrophic Burn Injury in Broken Arrow OK
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While even minor burn injuries can cause extreme discomfort, grievous ones require extensive treatment and rehabilitation. If you live in Broken Arrow Oklahoma and suffered a critical burn, you deserve legal restitution.
Read on to learn more about FAQs following a catastrophic burn injury in Broken Arrow OK and contact an experienced attorney with any lingering questions you may have.
Oklahoma personal injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw can help you seek justice and compensation for your injuries. For a free case review, call 800-862-1260.
What Qualifies as a Serious Burn?Burn accident lawyers serving Broken Arrow will work closely with your doctors to evaluate your case. Your medical team will assess the severity of a burn by looking at the following factors:
- The depth of the burn
- The size of the burn
- The cause of the burn (e.g., fire, electrical, scalding, chemical)
- The location of the burn (joints, feet, hands, and face tend to be more sensitive treatment areas)
- The age and health of the burn victim
- Other injuries associated with the accident, such as inflamed lungs from smoke inhalation or broken bones
This first point on burn depth relates to four degrees of injury, including:
- First-degree burns, which burn only the top layer of skin
- Second-degree burns, which include superficial partial-thickness burns that damage the top two layers of skin, and deep partial-thickness burns that extend to other skin layers
- Third-degree burns, which affect all layers of skin and the underlying tissue
- Fourth-degree burns, which extend below the skin and harm muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and bones
Your Broken Arrow burn injury attorneys will use these medical designations to guide your case. Generally, the deeper and more extensive your injuries, the more expensive your treatment will be. These expenses affect the money you can expect to recover in a settlement.
What Are Common Treatments for Extreme Burn Injuries?You can treat most first-degree burns with antibiotic ointments, over-the-counter pain relievers, cool compresses, and topical treatments like lidocaine and aloe. More extreme injuries require more extensive care.
Patients with second-, third-, and fourth-degree burns might receive skin grafts, antibiotics, amputation, reconstructive surgery, physical therapy, compression garments, and more. Additionally, many survivors attend therapy and seek psychiatric care to cope with the trauma associated with their accident. These interventions are necessary, but they are expensive and time-consuming.
Who Can I Sue for a Burn Injury?Your attorney will sue the at-fault party in your injury case. For example, if another driver caused a car accident that resulted in your burns, you would sue them. If you buy a faulty product, you could file a claim against the manufacturer. If you sustained burn injuries in a hotel or apartment, you might be able to sue the owner or property manager.
However, burn accident lawyers serving Broken Arrow will not be able to sue your employer if you receive workers’ compensation through them. In these cases, you might be able to sue a third party, such as a manufacturer or negligent coworker.
What Damages Can I Expect to Recover?Typically, the more severe your injuries and the lengthier your recovery process, the more money you can expect to recover in your burn injury case. That said, these damages vary from person to person. As a result, we cannot offer a blanket value you can expect to earn. Meeting with Broken Arrow burn injury attorneys is the best way to learn more about settlement values.
Where Can I Find a Lawyer in Broken Arrow Oklahoma?If you are looking for legal guidance, the Oklahoma personal injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw can help. We have nearly 30 years of experience serving the southwest and have recovered over $1 billion for our clients in that time.
To schedule a free initial consultation, dial 800-862-1260.