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FAQs About Claims for Fire-Related Injuries

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Fire accidents are an everyday threat. In 2020, for example, Pasadena residents experienced home fires, apartment fires, storage facility fires, refinery fires, and more. These accidents can leave victims with terrible injuries that can seriously devastate their lives.

If you or a family member were injured in a fire accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your suffering. To determine your eligibility, contact Pasadena burn injury attorneys today and discuss your case.

After a burn injury accident occurs, victims are left with countless questions. At Carabin Shaw Law Firm, we understand this and want to help. We have included a handful of FAQS about claims for fire-related injuries and the answers you need. Contact us for more information and for a free case review.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Injury Claims

Q: What are the most common sources of fire injuries?

A: Fire injuries can happen from many different sources. In the modern world, we are constantly surrounded by potential fire risks—at home, at work, in public areas, etc. One of the most common sources of fire injuries in Pasadena is home fires.

A fire at home can be caused by cooking equipment, heating equipment, electrical wiring, candles, children playing with flammable materials, and so on. Many of these same risks are found in the workplace, in shopping centers, in hotels, in schools, etc. A personal injury attorney may be able to help in all of these situations depending on the circumstances.

Q: How do I know if I qualify to file a fire accident claim?

A: If you were injured in a fire accident due to the negligence of another party, you should contact an experienced accident lawyer in Pasadena Texas. A lawyer will help you establish negligence in a court of law by proving four necessary criteria:

  1. The other party was responsible for providing you with a safe environment.
  2. The other party breached that responsibility of care.
  3. You received an injury directly due to the accident.
  4. The responsible party owes you compensation for your injury.

Other considerations include workplace burn injuries in which Workers’ Compensation may be involved. You may be able to file a claim if your employer was at fault and did not offer Workers’ Compensation, or if you were injured by another third party and still have Workers’ Compensation available.

Q: What degree of injury can be covered in a claim?

A: Pasadena burn injury attorneys could potentially provide representation for any degree of injury received. Remember, if the injury occurred because of the negligence of another party, you are not at fault, and you should not have had to receive any degree of injury. If you are unsure about the degree of your injury, medical professionals categorize burn injuries into three distinct degrees:

  • First-degree
    A first-degree burn is the least severe. It will cause redness and painful irritation. It is comparable to a sunburn.
  • Second-degree
    A second-degree burn is more severe than a first-degree burn, causing redness and irritation to the point of blistering the skin. Second-degree can cause permanent damage like scarring and skin-whitening.
  • Third-degree
    A third-degree burn is the most severe. This burn destroys both the outer layer and the second layer of skin, sometimes even burning through the tendons and muscles down to the bone. It requires serious, intensive medical treatment.

If you have received any of these degrees of burns, the best choice to fully explore your legal options is to contact accident lawyers in Pasadena Texas.

The Texas Personal Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw | Free Case Review

Carabin Shaw can answer any questions you may have. When you contact us today, you can ask your questions without any financial obligation whatsoever. So why wait?

Let the Texas personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw answer your questions and see what we can do for you! Call us toll-free at 1-800-862-1260 or fill out our online form.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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