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Electrocution and Burn Injuries

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Garland construction workers, firefighters, and mechanics have firsthand knowledge of the danger of electric burns in the workplace. The Electrical Safety Foundation International reports that approximately 8% of all electrical injuries in 2019 were fatal. In addition, the rate of electric burn injuries in 2019 increased by 3.78% from 2018. Though electric burns may not look as serious as thermal burns on the surface, they can cause severe complications that impact the lives of Garland workers and their families.

If you have suffered an electric burn injury, it is likely that you were injured in the course of your employment. The Bureau of Labor & Statistics reports that electrocutions/electric burns are the fifth leading cause of workplace fatalities.

If you were electrocuted at your place of work, your employer may have offered you workman’s compensation. If you have accepted workman’s compensation, you are ineligible to file a lawsuit against your employer. However, if your employer does not subscribe to workman’s compensation insurance or you were injured by a third party at your place of work, a qualified Garland burn injury attorney can help you to file a personal injury suit.

The Dangers of Electric Burn Injuries

Filing a personal injury lawsuit with the help of a personal injury lawyer in Garland can help you receive compensation for your physical and financial losses after a workplace electric burn accident. Victims of workplace burn injuries may suffer a range of complications resulting from their injury.

Electrocution can result in:

  • Severe burns on the skin/muscle tissue
  • Nerve damage
  • Disruption of cardiac rhythm
  • Seizures
  • Organ damage
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Neurological damage
  • Dizziness/weakness
  • Death

Like other forms of burn injuries, electric burns are categorized by degrees of severity. A first-degree electrical burn only damages the outer layer of the skin (the epidermis). A second-degree electrical burn reaches the deeper layer of the skin (the dermis) while a third-degree electrical burn can reach the muscle and bone beneath, potentially causing severe complications.

Electric burns and any complications can result in loss of wage-earning abilities, loss of quality of life, or loss of a loved one. Whatever you have lost as a result of your workplace burn injury, you deserve to seek compensation with the assistance of a qualified personal injury lawyer in Garland.

Occupational Risks for Electric Burns

Workers from a variety of workplaces have been injured in workplace electric burn accidents, but the following workers are statistically more likely to suffer electrocution and burn injuries:

  • Any workers with continual exposure to electric currents
  • Workers who handle appliances/electric currents without proper training
  • Electricians
  • Mechanics
  • Firefighters
  • Construction workers
  • Utility workers
  • Workers exposed to the elements (lightning/thunderstorms)

Garland workers have a right to a safe workplace environment; if employers or other parties breach this right, they should be held financially accountable for the result of their actions. If you were injured due to an unsafe working environment, contact a burn injury attorney immediately to learn if you are eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Texas Work Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

Victims of workplace electric burn injuries deserve fair financial compensation. The Garland burn injury attorneys of Carabin Shaw commit to representing the best interests of victims and their families, just like we have the past three decades. Our philosophy since the beginning has been a “client-first” approach, and we have been dedicated to simplifying the settlement process for Garland workers seeking restitution for their injuries ever since.

Carabin Shaw lawyers consistently deliver results while providing each and every client with the respect they deserve.

Free Case Review

If you would like to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation initial consultation with the Texas work injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw, call our office toll-free today at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online form.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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