Eagle Pass 18 Wheeler Accidents
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With so many trucks on the roads in Eagle Pass, Texas, the rates of 18 wheeler accidents are climbing. It only takes a split second for a catastrophic trucking accident to happen. After one of these accidents, you may have questions about what your next steps might be. Our Eagle Pass truck accident attorneys can help you move forward, recover some damages, and hold the guilty parties accountable. The attorneys at Carabin Shaw are dedicated to demanding justice for 18 wheeler accident victims and their families.
What Are Common Causes of 18 Wheeler Accidents?When an 18 wheeler accident happens, there are often a variety of reasons and responsible parties behind the cause. Here are a few leading causes that can result in big truck wrecks:
- Speeding- Any speeding car is dangerous, but especially 18 wheelers. It can be easy for a driver to lose control of their truck at high speeds, resulting in potentially fatal accidents. Unfortunately, truck drivers are pressured by their employers to speed so that they can arrive at their destinations quickly. If this is the case, our lawyers will hold the trucking company responsible for their negligence.
- Poor maintenance and equipment failure - Equipment failure can include faulty brakes, transmission failure, and improper trailer attachment.
- Inexperienced drivers - If a trucking company needs new drivers, they might disregard the Texas Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, and an inexperienced driver can easily cause an 18 wheeler accident in Eagle Pass. Our attorneys want to hold them and the trucking companies who hired them accountable.
- Driving under the influence - Unfortunately, some drivers might use drugs to stay awake on long drives, which can result in catastrophe for other drivers on the road.
These trucking accidents can result in life-altering injuries. Some common injuries our law firm has seen include:
- Spinal cord injuries
- Fractures and dislocations
- Burns
- Broken bones
- Paralyzation
If your loved one died due to a trucking accident, our Eagle Pass injury attorneys will seek justice and ensure your family gets the proper financial compensation.
How Long Does a Truck Accident Lawsuit Take?The accident lawsuit process has various steps. Here is an overview of what it looks like:
- Investigation - The insurance companies that work for trucking businesses are infamous for working hard to deny any personal injury or wrongful death claim. This is why it is crucial to contact one of our Eagle Pass truck accident attorneys after you have been in a trucking accident and have sought out medical attention.
- Negotiation - If you don’t have a lawyer, insurance companies can easily take advantage of you and seek an early, unfair settlement. This settlement is typically far less than what you deserve to receive for your accident. Our Eagle Pass injury attorneys will handle communication with the insurance company and make sure you get fairly compensated.
- Lawsuit - Most times, a trucking company will settle rather than go to court. Sometimes, a lawsuit can last years if liability or damages are contested. Our lawyers are ready to go to court and fight for your case.
Contact our Eagle Pass 18 wheeler accident attorneys at your earliest convenience to go over the details of your accident. It is important to remember the statute of limitations in Texas is two years from the date of the accident.
Injured in a 18 wheeler accident in Eagle Pass? Call Carabin Shaw TodayAfter a trucking accident, you may be feeling overwhelmed about what to do. Our law firm is here to help you. Discuss your case today with our Eagle Pass 18 wheeler accident attorneys. We are fiercely dedicated to protecting truck accident victims. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident in Eagle Pass, Texas, call us at 956-333-3333 for a free initial consultation.