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Do I Need a Lawyer if I was Hit By a Commercial Truck in Texas?

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

If you were injured in a truck accident in Sonora, Texas, you are likely wondering what your next step should be. You may be facing huge medical bills, vehicle repair bills, lost wages, and other expenses on top of lasting physical issues. You may be wondering, “Do I need a lawyer if I was hit by a commercial truck in Texas?” If so, call 1-800-862-1260 today for a free, no-obligation consultation by phone with a representative of Carabin Shaw’s team of Sonora truck wreck attorneys to see how we can help you.

What Causes a Commercial Truck Accident in Sonora?

Texas has a high concentration of commercial vehicles on our highways, and the large size of these vehicles, their reduced visibility, and the long hours on which commercial drivers often make them especially dangerous. Some causes of truck accidents include:

  • Driver distraction
  • Driver fatigue
  • Driving under the influence
  • Failure on the part of the employer to assure that drivers are properly trained and licensed
  • Failure to follow traffic laws, such as speeding or failing to signal a lane change
  • Improperly-secured cargo
  • Failure to properly inspect the vehicle
  • Operator error, which can lead to hazards such as jackknifing

If any of the above might have been a factor in your accident, Sonora injury attorneys can help you with a claim.

Is a Personal Injury Claim the Same as a Lawsuit?

You can think of a personal injury claim as the precursor to a lawsuit. With a claim, you and your lawyer present a complaint to the defendant and their insurer in which you outline why you believe they are responsible for your injury. The defendant may settle immediately, but more likely there will be a period of negotiation between their attorneys and yours. If a settlement is unable to be reached, your lawyer will likely have you proceed with a lawsuit, which is a formal legal action. However, most personal injury lawsuits are still settled out of court before the set date.

Next Steps

You may be asking yourself, “Do I Need a Lawyer if I was Hit By a Commercial Truck in Texas?” If you are considering legal action after a commercial truck accident in Sonora, finding an attorney experienced in commercial vehicle accident claims should be your first step.

Although you have the right to represent yourself in court, pursuing a claim or lawsuit without the help of Sonora truck wreck attorneys is risky. When you are working without legal representation, your defendant may not take your claim seriously and refuse to negotiate. If they agree to settle with you, it will likely be for significantly less than you actually deserve. Having representation shows your opposition that you take your case seriously and intend to pursue what you are owed.

Sonora injury attorneys who are knowledgeable about 18 wheeler accident claims will also help you present the most compelling case you can, working with you to assemble your evidence and determine how much you are likely to be awarded. The legal system can be confusing and stressful, and having someone by your side who knows how to navigate it and can tell you what to expect will make it much easier.

How Can I Find a Lawyer?

If you are unsure whether or not a certain lawyer would be right for your case, you can schedule free consultations to get a sense of their record, their experience, and how they might approach your case. Consultations are akin to job interviews, and come with no obligation to hire that lawyer. Carabin Shaw’s Sonora, Texas office offers free consultations by phone at 1-800-862-1260.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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