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Degrees and Types of Severe Burns | Arvada CO Injury Attorneys

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

If you have suffered from severe or extensive burns in Arvada Colorado, you have probably thought about legal action. Recovery from serious burns can be a lengthy and an expensive process, including hospital bills, prescription painkillers and antibiotics, and potentially physical therapy. A successful personal injury claim can help you address these expenses, but the legal process can often seem confusing and intimidating.

Fortunately, help is available. The team of Colorado attorneys at Carabin Shaw has helped numerous clients in situations like yours successfully obtain settlements after catastrophic burns. For a free consultation and case review, call us at 800-862-1260 at your earliest convenience.

When Should I Sue for a Burn Injury?

Burns are classified into four different degrees of severity based on how deeply they penetrate the skin and tissue. Before an attorney takes on your case, they will likely want to know the specific type of burn that you have suffered. The four degrees and types of severe burns are:

First-Degree Burns

Also known as superficial burns, affect only the dermis, or the outer layer of the skin. They are red and painful to the touch, but do not require medical intervention and will heal within days. An Arvada CO injury attorney is not likely to take on a claim over first-degree burns, as they are not likely to seriously impact your finances or your quality of life.

Second-Degree Burns

Superficial partial thickness burns, extend to the dermis, the second layer of skin. They can be extremely painful and take weeks to heal. They sometimes result in cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection, so medical treatment is recommended. More serious second-degree burns can require skin grafts.

Treatment for second-degree burns can be costly, and, if the burns are extensive, they can affect your mobility and cause persistent pain. If the burns are on your face, they can also leave disfiguring scars. Therefore, an experienced lawyer will likely advise you to pursue a claim over second-degree burns.

Third-Degree, or Full-Thickness Burns

These type of burns penetrate the entire dermis. While one of the most serious types of burn, they initially feel painless due to the nerve damage they cause. Third-degree burns never fully heal, and require serious medical intervention, often including amputation.

Third-degree burns can seriously affect your quality of life. Extensive scarring can lessen your mobility, and amputation can leave you permanently impaired. If you have suffered from third degree burns, look into burn injury lawyers serving Arvada to help you pursue compensation for both your medical bills and pain and suffering.

Fourth-Degree Burns

These penetrate through all layers of skin and affect the underlying layers of fat and tissue. These are the most severe type of burn, and almost always require amputation. Fourth-degree burns can severely impact your finances and your quality of life, and most personal injury attorneys will agree to help you pursue legal action to see these costs addressed.

What if I Can’t Afford a Lawyer in Arvada Colorado? | Free Case Review

Most personal injury attorneys offer contingency agreements. This means that they will not accept legal fees until your claim is won, at which point they’ll take a percentage of your settlement as payment.

Carabin Shaw’s legal team works on a contingency basis, giving you an opportunity to pursue legal action with no financial risk. We also offer free consultations and initial case reviews, which come with no implied hiring obligation. In these free meetings, you can discuss the basics of your case and see whether or not legal action is the right answer.

To get started, call us at 800-862-1260.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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