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Dangers of New Mexico Daycares

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Among the types of abuse that children can suffer, sexual abuse is perhaps the most heinous of them. The damage done to a child’s development because of these crimes is immense. While physical trauma often appears as the immediate harm, the mental and emotional trauma that these crimes produce can follow someone throughout their entire life, even with effective therapy and emotional support.

Although they are a necessary resource to countless working parents, daycare centers are among the locations where children are most at risk of sexual abuse. The dangers of New Mexico daycares are plentiful, and though the state does its best to regulate such spaces there is no way to ensure that a predator does not find their way into a childcare center.

Daycare Sexual Abuse in New Mexico

According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, child abuse in New Mexico occurs at a rate of 15 in 1,000 children. In smaller terms, that means there is a 1 in 67 chance that any child will be the victim of abuse or neglect, including sexual abuse at a daycare center. This may seem like a low number on the page, but this places New Mexico above the national average for child abuse in the U.S. and child sexual assault lawyers in New Mexico, such as those at Carabin Shaw, know all too well that this is a tragically frequent occurrence. In these cases it is vital to contact an attorney as quickly as possible to pursue justice.

The Trauma of Abuse

Child sexual abuse is a villainous crime in which an adult seeks to control a child. The ensuing trauma, however, is the most dangerous result of the abuse. The psychological and emotional damage done to a child can result in adulthood depression, self-harm, and worse.

Predators, in addition to the physical harm done to a child, can irreparably destroy a child’s sense of self-worth and value in the long-term. In the short term, when deciding if you need a lawyer, there are many immediate results of daycare sexual abuse that a parent can try to look out for, including

  • Discomfort with removing or changing clothes
  • Advanced knowledge of sexual practices or terminology for their age
  • Resurgence of clinging or attachment behaviors, especially if the child has previously developed beyond them
  • Discomfort with returning to a daycare or childcare center

Because this list is not exhaustive, it is vital to keep a clear line of communication with your child. If your child has been the victim of daycare sexual abuse, or you notice signs such as those listed above in your child, it may be time to contact New Mexico child abuse attorneys.

Realities of Daycare Sexual Abuse

The data surrounding daycare sexual assault is often grim, but that data is only part of the full picture. Statistics and data, such as those compiled and presented by children’s organizations in New Mexico, operate primarily on substantiated data. This means that the data collected comes from reported and proven cases of abuse within the state, and it does not consider the countless unreported instances of assault.

Child sexual assault lawyers in New Mexico understand the full ramifications of this. While New Mexico requires extensive background checks on all daycare staff every five years, this sweep does not identify predators with no criminal record or predators that have not been caught or reported.

Trusted New Mexico Attorneys at Carabin Shaw | Free Case Review

Experienced lawyers at Carabin Shaw are experts in their field. If you believe that your child has been the victim of daycare sexual abuse, we offer free case review and initial consultation to clearly identify your legal options.

Our staff is available 24/7 and toll-free at 800-862-1260 with both English AND Spanish-speaking correspondents.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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