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Dallas Dog Bite Injury Attorneys

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

In Dallas, Texas, severe dog bites can be a traumatic event, especially if the victim is a smaller child. If a dog bit you or a loved one, you might be wondering if you have a case for a personal injury claim. The first step in seeking answers is to consult with a firm of dog attack attorneys in Dallas.

For more than 20 years, our attorneys have assisted victims of severe dog attacks in recovering, and we know how to assist you in obtaining the compensation you are entitled to. We’ve helped victims recover financially when a dog attack left them injured, hospitalized, and in debt.

The Dallas personal injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw are aware of the difficulties that follow a dog attack and are available to help you navigate the challenging process of filing a claim and, if necessary, a lawsuit. Your first step toward justice begins when you dial 1-800-862-1260 toll free and schedule a free consultation with an experienced dog bite lawyer.

Our Dallas Dog Bite Injury Attorneys Know the Factors that Come into Play When it Comes to Dog Bites and Animal Attacks

Several factors come into play when it comes to dog bites and animal attacks. These include:

  • The breed of the dog, size, age and temperament of the animal
  • Whether or not a leash was used at the time of the attack
  • Whether or not you were trespassing on private property
  • Whether or not your actions provoked an attack (i.e., teasing an aggressive dog)
  • How the “One Bite Rule” applies to your specific claim

When you engage with our office, you can rest assured that your case will be thoroughly researched and that your attorney is knowledgeable about personal injury law as well as the statistics and typical causes of serious dog bites in the Dallas region.

Specific Dog Breeds You Should Look Out for According to Statistics

First off, there are many breeds of dogs that are known for being aggressive and more likely to attack humans than other dogs. These breeds include pit bulls, Doberman pinschers, German shepherds and huskies. Although these dog breeds frequently top the list of those that take Americans to the hospital, they are not the only ones that might do harm to an unknowing victim. For this reason, our lawyers recommend that you always be aware of your surroundings when you are around an unfamiliar dog.

When you are walking your dog in public places like parks or city streets, it is important to keep an eye out for aggressive behavior from other dogs before they get too close to you or your pup. If you notice a dog acting especially aggressively toward another person or animal (like barking loudly or growling), do not approach them. When it comes to dogs, it's safer to err on the side of caution, even if they seem friendly.

Why Contact Carabin Shaw After a Dallas Dog Bite or Attack?

Whether you were attacked by an “aggressive breed” or another type of dog, dog attacks can cause serious injuries and lead to costly medical expenses.

The best course of action if you have been hurt by an animal attack is to get help right away. Additionally, you should keep a record of your injuries and speak with a lawyer right away. Our Dallas dog bite injury lawyers have dealt with several instances of animal violence and are aware of the harm that a dog bite can do.

We help victims gain back what they have lost after a traumatic dog attack. Visit Carabin Shaw's client reviews to see how we can also help you win a personal injury lawsuit. Speak with one of our bilingual team members to schedule a case review. Our team takes calls every day, at any hour.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Client Reviews
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