Common Damages Questions After a Motorcycle Accident in Corpus Christi - Part 2
After liability is established in your favor in your case, damages must be calculated. Once again, the experienced Corpus Christi Motorcycle Injury Lawyers at Carabin Shaw are ready to help you with this portion of your case. There are some common questions about damages and amounts of damages which many people ask. Here, we try and give you a few honest answers.
How Much are my Injuries Worth in Compensation?Your legally entitled monetary compensation may well include:
Payment of all or some of your medical bills
You may well be legally entitled to have your past and/or future medical expenses paid:
- For Hospitalization connected to your accident
- Surgical procedures related to your accident
- Ongoing medical care connected to your accident
- Counseling for mental issues arising from your accident
- Scar revision and/or cosmetic surgery for problems connected to your accident
- Physical therapy to help get you back to normal after your accident
- Occupational therapy to help you find work if loss of your job relates to your accident
Compensation for lost income and loss of capacity to earn an income after your accident and into the future: Lost wages, future and past, may be part of what you are legally entitled to be paid.
Vocational Rehabilitation: You may have a legal right to reimbursement towards the cost of being prepared and/or re-trained to get a new job or paying occupation following your accident.
Monetary Compensation for your pain and suffering: You have a legal right to be compensated by the responsible parties for the pain and suffering you have had which is related to your accident. This includes suffering which continues in the future as a result of your accident and injuries. In a wrongful death case, the parents, spouse and children are legally entitled to collect damages from the responsible parties for any wrongful death.
Lost consortium: The husband or wife of an accident survivor may well be legally entitled to monetary compensation if an injury is so serious that it damages the injured person's spousal or marital relations. Many courts of law recognize an injured party’s spouse’s right to recover damages in appropriate cases for the loss of solace, sexual relations, society, support, love, companionship, services, love and affection. These damages are recovered in a “loss of consortium” claim and action. This “Loss of consortium” is a separate claim from the injured party’s action or claim. It is specific to the spouse of the injured party and is compensated with a separate recovery of damages.
Disfigurement and disability: Any physical or mental impairment or disability.
What Type of Damages are Punitive Damages?Punitive damages can be recovered under certain circumstances. These punitive damages were created by law in order to punish or set an example of the wrongdoer for intentional conduct or conduct that is so reckless that the Court finds that they should be punished for violating other people’s rights.
If you have been in a motorcycle accident, we at Carabin Shaw can help you get the compensation you deserve. We have the experience and knowledge that you need in your corner for a fight like this against the defendant insurance company.
Are you in Corpus Christi? Were you injured in a Motorcycle accident?
Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 361.444.1111, local if you’re in Corpus Christi