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Common Commercial Truck Accident Locations in Andrews, Texas

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Andrews, Texas, tucked in West Texas oil country, is a lively and bustling area for interstate traffic and commerce. Highway traffic caused by the oil trade—as well as the increased commercial shipping on state roadways—has increased the number of common commercial truck accident locations in Andrews, Texas.

Commercial trucking accidents are so dangerous in part because 18 wheelers cannot stop as quickly as smaller vehicles, resulting in slower response times to changes in traffic flow. A typical 18 wheeler weighs around 40 tons, while a smaller family vehicle weighs 2.5 tons on average; because of this vast difference, when there is a commercial trucking accident, the damages can be tremendous. Unfortunately, fatalities are common in the aftermath of these accidents.

Andrews commercial truck accident attorneys may be able to help you receive financial compensation for injuries sustained in a commercial truck accident. Your lawyer will help you to evaluate your accident claim to determine the extent of damages and/or any potential negligence involved on the part of the commercial truck driver. Texas accident attorneys have years of experience in representing the victims of commercial trucking accidents.

Where Are Some Common Commercial Truck Accident Locations in Andrews, Texas?

Andrews, Texas lies at the intersection of many busy state highways. Unfortunately, these highways also come with increased commercial trucking traffic, and the majority of the trucking accidents in the area take place on these heavily-trafficked roads.

Although there is no way to completely avoid commercial trucking accidents, it is important to know where these collisions are most likely to occur. Some locations an 18 wheeler accident in Andrews are most likely to occur are:

  • State Highway 176
  • State Highway 128
  • U.S. Highway 385
  • FM 181
  • State Highway 115
  • Highway 97

In many of the accidents reported at these locations, a passenger vehicle traveling down the freeway in the opposite direction of the commercial truck was struck by the larger vehicle when one of the drivers veered into the opposing lane. The higher speed limits on these highways combined with the astronomical force of a large 18 wheeler almost unanimously resulted in fatalities, even though, in most cases, all passengers in the vehicles were wearing seatbelts. While some of these collisions were caused by the driver of the smaller passenger vehicle, many were due to negligence on the part of the commercial truck driver—meaning, the victims of that collision were eligible to sue (with the guidance of an accident lawyer) for reasonable compensation for their damages.

What To Do If You’re Injured

If you have been injured in an 18 wheeler accident in Andrews, it is likely the injury occurred at one of these locations. After calling 911 and dispatching emergency aid to the site of the collision, it is important to receive medical attention in order to catalogue any injuries sustained in the crash. You also must carefully document the driver’s information (insurance, driver’s license number, name, license plates). After you’ve taken these steps and received any necessary medical care, it is important that you seek legal representation before you involve insurance companies.

Andrews Commercial Truck Accident Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

If you or a loved one have been injured in a big trucking accident in Andrews, Texas, you have the right to speak with an attorney about seeking compensation for damages. Call the Texas accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw toll-free today at 1-800-862-1260. Your first consultation is no-cost, no-obligation—we want to make sure that you are confident that we are the best team to represent your truck accident injury claim.

In order to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, we are now offering a video conferencing option in addition to our usual options. If you choose a Carabin Shaw attorney to represent you, we promise to fight tirelessly for your right to fair compensation.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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