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Common Causes of Burn Injuries in Garland Texas

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Burn injuries can happen to anyone in Garland, Texas. When people suffer from burn injuries, it can impact them for the rest of their life. Minor burns will heal on their own without long-term damage, but severe burns such as third or fourth degree burns can leave a victim with permanent scars, amputated limbs, and disfigurement.

Every year, more than 40,000 Americans are hospitalized because of burn injuries.

If you or a loved one has suffered burn injuries, you should speak with burn injury attorneys serving Garland. Our top Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw can review your case and work with you to build a plan of action to fight for the compensation that’s right for you and your family.

Common Causes for Burn Injuries

There are a number of ways victims can suffer from burn injuries. The following are common causes of burn injuries in Garland Texas:

  1. Thermal burns

    The most common types of burns are thermal burns, which occur when someone comes into contact with a flame or other source of heat.

    The severity of a thermal burn will depend on the intensity of the heat as well as the duration that the victim was exposed to the heat. Fires, hot stoves, and grills are all ways someone can experience a thermal burn.

  2. Scaldings

    A subset of thermal burns are scaldings, which are thermal burns caused by contact with hot liquids. Scaldings disproportionately affect the young and the elderly. Often, scaldings are due to malfunctioning or improperly used water heaters. When that’s the case, the property owner, landlord, or product manufacturer could be at fault. Talk to a Garland personal injury lawyer to know more.

  3. Chemical burns

    Another cause of burns is chemical burns. Certain acidic and alkaline substances can cause severe burns when they come into contact with the skin. They happen more often than you think. Household cleaners such as bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, and swimming pool cleaners can cause serious chemical burns.

  4. Electrical burns

    If someone interferes with an electrical current, they can suffer electrical burns. Touching a light socket or an exposed wire can be all it takes for victims to suffer severe burns.

    Electrical burns are especially dangerous because much of the damage they do is internal. If you’ve suffered from electrical burns, it’s important to see a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

Whatever the cause of your burn injuries, you should talk to an attorney about your case.

Burns and Inhalation Injuries

When burn victims in Garland are near intense flames, they may not only suffer burn injuries—they can sustain inhalation injuries as well. Inhalation injuries can damage both the eyes and the respiratory system, strongly impacting the lungs.

Victims who have preexisting chronic lung or heart problems can exacerbate these conditions when they suffer from inhalation injuries. Some symptoms of inhalation injuries include headaches, chest pain, and coughing up phlegm.

Inhalation injuries can happen in a few ways:

  1. Smoke inhalation

    One of the most common causes of fire-related injuries is smoke inhalation, which is responsible for roughly three quarters of fatalities due to burn injuries.

  2. Heat inhalation

    When people get too close to high heat sources, they may inhale extremely hot air or fire, which can lead to burning of the lungs. In these instances, much of the upper airway such as the trachea is damaged.

  3. Systemic toxins

    Sometimes, fire can release toxins in the air that can prevent your blood from absorbing oxygen. When victims inhale systemic toxins, it can cause confusion, loss of consciousness, and permanent organ damage.

If you’ve suffered inhalation injuries, speak with a burn injury attorney serving Garland.

We’re Devoted to Fighting For You | Free Case Review

If you’ve suffered burn injuries, a Garland personal injury lawyer can help. The top Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw can fight for you and get you justice. We’ve been named a top 10 law firm in client satisfaction.

For a free consultation with a lawyer, call today at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online form.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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