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Commercial Vehicle Attorneys in San Antonio TX for Personal Injury Cases - Free Case Review


With over 36,000 commercial vehicles registered in San Antonio in 2018/2019, it's fair to say the city is no stranger to large-scale auto accidents. Commercial vehicles, due to their size, weight, and often (sometimes hazardous) specialized cargo, pose unique risks on the road. The multifaceted nature of commercial operations can make it challenging to assign liability in accident cases without the help of a Texas attorney. Multiple parties may also be involved, each with varying degrees of responsibility.

If you or someone you love was recently injured in a commercial vehicle accident, a lawyer can help. Call Carabin Shaw at 800-862-1260 to schedule your free case review today! You deserve justice and compensation for any injuries sustained due to the negligence of another.

What Is Considered a Commercial Vehicle?

The exact definition of a commercial vehicle is specified by the state. In Texas, a few guidelines distinguish commercial vehicles from others through things like weight and number of passengers, including:

  • The vehicle in question must be:
    • Used to transport 15 or more passengers, cargo, or hazardous material
    • Weighs more than 26,000 pounds
    • or also transports 15 or more

Common commercial vehicles seen on the roads of San Antonio include 18 wheelers, delivery trucks, box trucks, construction vehicles, refrigerated trucks, RVs, buses, and more. Unsure if your collision was with a qualifying commercial vehicle? Contact the attorneys at Carabin Shaw and answer any initial questions you have for free!

Commercial Vehicle Accidents in San Antonio - Collisions on the News

San Antonio commercial vehicle accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence in the city, like any growing, big city. Given the high volume of traffic and the diversity of commercial vehicles operating within the city limits, it's not surprising that these accidents happen relatively frequently. A few examples of recent incidents include:

Pickup Truck Crashes Into an 18-wheeler

A pickup truck driver ran into the back of an 18 wheeler and became pinned to the trailer of the vehicle. The resulting fire had a fatal ending.

Big-Rig Spill Caused a Highway Shutdown

Lanes on Interstate 10 were closed for hours when a big-rig leaking fuel and oil caused a major cleanup. The spill happened when the vehicle was cut off by an SUV and rolled over, hitting a pickup truck in the process.

Fail to Yield Causes Rollover

A van that didn’t yield led to an 18-wheeler swerving and rolling over. The weather was also cited in the report as a cause for the crash. Both vehicles ended up in a nearby grassy median.

Texas Commercial Vehicle Accident Laws - What Victims Need to Know

Many factors come into play when a commercial vehicle is involved in an accident. The intricacies of such accidents are influenced by numerous factors, and due to their complexity, specific laws govern these cases, including:

Multiple At-Fault Parties

In Texas, you may prove multiple parties at fault for a commercial vehicle accident. This may include the:

  • driver
  • trucking company
  • cargo company
  • manufacturer
Modified Comparative Fault

In Texas, you can recover damages up to the percentage you’re found at fault for the accident, up to 50%. This means if more than half of the responsibility is on your shoulders, no damages may be received.

Statute of Limitations

Texas’s statute of limitations enables victims to pursue a lawsuit for up to two years after the accident. This provides ample time for victims to meet with a lawyer who can help them prove negligence to receive proper damage compensation.

Top Texas Commercial Vehicle Attorneys at Carabin Shaw - Call Today & See How We Can Help You!

If you’re looking for commercial vehicle attorneys in San Antonio, Texas, our legal experts can help. At Carabin Shaw, we are well-versed in the complex laws and regulations surrounding commercial vehicle accidents in Texas. Our lawyers also have over three decades of combined experience and will do everything in their power to maximize your chances of obtaining just compensation.

The San Antonio TX personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw will work hard to ensure your lawsuit goes as smoothly as possible: just look at our client reviews. We offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, so call 24/7 to speak to our English and Spanish-speaking staff and get an appointment with our team. For the best commercial vehicle attorney call toll-free at 800-862-1260 today.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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