Cedar Park TX Construction Zone Accidents - Construction Debris, Road Hazards & More
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Cedar Park's Master Mobility Plan is designed to achieve zero road deaths. Despite its noble efforts, road construction projects throughout the city are creating additional hazards for motorists as Cedar Park makes its mobility plan a reality. “Cone zones” are dangerous places in Texas, with more than 26,000 accidents occurring in work zones in 2023. Nearly 500 of those occurred in Cedar Park’s Williamson County.
Victims of work zone accidents often face significant injuries that render them unable to work. They may also face substantial medical bills and high vehicle repair costs. Our Cedar Park car accident lawyers at Carabin Shaw help these victims pursue compensation for their injuries and rebuild their lives. If you are injured, we have English- and Spanish-speaking professionals available 24/7 for a free consultation at 800-862-1260.
Common Causes of a Cedar Park Construction Zone AccidentWork zones are a necessary evil in Cedar Park but also dangerous. These areas typically contain hazards like changes to traffic flow, construction debris, and unclear signage. When you include driver error, the risks intensify. Common causes of construction zone accidents in Cedar Park include:
- Lack of warning signs
- Equipment and debris on the roads
- Untrained or under-trained crew
- Careless or distracted driving
- Disregard for signs or flaggers
- Speeding or tailgating
The mere presence of barrels, workers, and equipment close to traffic can create unsafe conditions. Road crews are responsible for keeping the work zone safe, but mistakes and accidents can occur. If you are injured in a work zone, a construction accident lawyer in Texas can help you determine who was at fault and seek damages from the responsible parties.
When a Construction Company is at FaultIf your accident was caused by construction debris, inadequate signage, or other road hazards, the project’s construction company may be to blame. Accidents can also occur if the driver of a construction vehicle collides with a motorist in the work zone. Large trucks have a more challenging time seeing smaller vehicles and may collide with them while entering or exiting the construction site.
A crash with a dump truck, loader, or crane can have devastating consequences even at low speeds. The size and weight of the vehicle can cause severe injuries and even death. Construction vehicles can present a hazard even when parked if they interfere with traffic flow. Cedar Park TX attorneys will investigate the accident to identify the at-fault parties and hold them liable for your injuries.
Understanding Liability in a Texas Work Zone CrashTexas has more than 36,000 road construction employees working on state roadways at any given time. These employees all have a duty of care to maintain a safe work zone, from ensuring traffic changes are transparent to using extreme caution when operating heavy machinery or large vehicles.
Employees who do not exercise their duty of care due to negligence or recklessness can be held responsible for the consequences. A construction vehicle that enters the roadway or crosses designated traffic lanes without ensuring there are no other motorists in the way can be liable for your injuries, property damage, and other losses.
If you are injured in a work zone crash, you need an experienced attorney to protect your rights and seek the damages you deserve. Construction companies and insurance carriers are not always cooperative with accident victims and may try to shift fault or reduce a claim to protect their bottom line. Your construction accident lawyer in Texas will know the evidence to collect and how to get the documentation necessary from the construction company to build your case.
How Our Construction Accident Lawyers in Cedar Park, Texas Can Help | Get a Free Case Review Now! 24/7 Availability. Se Habla Español.Our experienced, dedicated Texas lawyers at Carabin Shaw are passionate about protecting accident victims and helping them pursue the compensation they need to recover and move forward. Our client reviews attest to our ability to maximize damages for victims like you. We offer our services on a contingency-fee-basis, so you don’t pay any money upfront for our legal expertise. Contact us toll-free now at 800-862-1260.
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