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Cases involving Midland Business Commercial Litigation - Texas Attorneys at Carabin Shaw


Midland businesses must face many financial and logistical challenges to sustain long-term success. The law creates legal rights and limitations through legislation, contracts, and other legal tools. When a dispute arises between the business and any other party, hiring a lawyer is instrumental in the commercial litigation process.

At Carabin Shaw, we offer legal services for your business so you can optimize the results of any business dispute, from contractual disputes to significant lawsuits. We encourage you to read our client reviews to find out how our team can help your business resolve its legal matters. We offer our services on a contingency-fee-basis, and we have English—AND Spanish-speaking staff available. If you call our toll-free number at 800-862-1260, you can set up an appointment for a free consultation 24/7.

Types of Commercial Disputes

Many companies are unsure about business law in Midland, Texas, and the best way to understand its purpose is to review the types of disputes and cases that involve commercial litigation.

Examples of Common Midland business disputes include:

  • An employer breaches an employment contract by unilaterally changing goals and evaluation methods for advancement. Contract disputes in Midland, TX, are a frequent form of commercial litigation.
  • A co-founder engaging in fraud and breach of fiduciary duty by spending extravagant amounts for personal items using company money.
  • A new company unlawfully uses a previously trademarked business name, thereby infringing upon the trademarked company’s intellectual property rights.
  • A supply company fails to meet its contractual obligations regarding a product.

To mitigate financial losses and protect their interests, companies are strongly advised to consult with an experienced Texas attorney to explore their options and develop a strategic approach.

Options for Resolution in Commercial Litigation

A Midland business litigation lawyer will evaluate your business case and present legal options for you to consider. Common subjects in commercial litigation include:

  • Breach of contract
  • Partnership disputes
  • Employment disagreements
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
  • Unfair trade practices
  • Intellectual property infringement

Your legal options for resolution in commercial litigation don’t always involve a courtroom. Business parties may resolve issues in mediation or a financial settlement. Hiring a skilled lawyer can help you to keep legal costs low and maximize positive outcomes.

Business Court Judgments in Commercial Litigation

As of 2024, Texas now has a business court focusing only on commercial litigation. A plaintiff may file a lawsuit in district court, and if it is a better fit, they may move the case to business court. These courts have the specific knowledge to handle commercial litigation, and the judges specialize in commercial law.

Commercial litigation differs from personal injury cases because the judgments are not always monetary compensation. In a court that hears a business case, the judgments may include:

  • Injunction: Compels the defendant to perform or stop performing a certain act.
  • Sequestration: Removing property or funds from the defendant until they fulfill their obligation.
  • Attachment: Seizing property so the defendant cannot sell or transfer the property during a trial.
  • Garnishment: The court orders an employer or third party to pay the plaintiff instead of the defendant.
  • Supersedeas: Temporarily stopping the enforcement of a judgment while the defendant is in the appeals process.
  • Financial compensation: Monetary remedies for damages caused by torts.
How to Achieve Positive Outcomes From Business Litigation - Call Carain Shaw for a Free Case Review!

Midland commercial dispute resolution involves conflicts that can lead to business interruption and insolvency, but it doesn’t have to end this way. With the help of an expert legal team, you can reach a legal solution with positive results.

The Midland TX lawyers at Carabin Shaw have decades of experience, and we have the skills you need to reach a beneficial conclusion to your business dispute. Contact us today to find out more about your legal options and work with a team that will offer sound support and guidance throughout the legal process.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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