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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Houston Tx


The number of carbon monoxide poisonings in Houston Tx is on the rise. In 2021, Harris County received over 300 reports of carbon monoxide poisoning (most in the city of Houston or its outlying areas). Many of these victims were exposed to this deadly, odorless, and invisible gas through no fault of their own. In these cases, someone else’s negligence caused these victims serious injury or even death.

What options do carbon monoxide victims have? If you have lost a loved one due to carbon monoxide exposure, do you have legal rights to compensation? Contacting a qualified attorney can help you explore your options and file a carbon monoxide poisoning lawsuit to seek fair compensation for your losses.

Houston Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Injuries

When inhaled in concentrated quantities, carbon monoxide gas can cause severe injuries or even death. Even minor carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to injuries such as:

  • Seizures
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Disorientation
  • Loss of consciousness

Many carbon monoxide poisoning injuries are alleviated or cured simply by removing oneself from the affected area. However, if the exposure is prolonged, there may be lasting effects even after the victim receives oxygen therapy. Long-term injuries caused by carbon monoxide could cause prolonged or permanent brain and/or nerve damage, disability, lung damage, or mood disorders. Both temporary and long-term carbon monoxide poisoning injuries can cost victims and their families hundreds of thousands in medical bills and doctor fees.

File a Carbon Monoxide Personal Injury Lawsuit

Victims of carbon monoxide poisoning have the legal right to seek compensation from those responsible for their injuries. In the case of carbon monoxide poisoning, this means identifying the source of the carbon monoxide leak to determine if an individual/entity’s negligence was the cause.

Defendants in carbon monoxide personal injury lawsuits may include:

  • Landlords
  • Property owners
  • Business owners
  • Maintenance technicians

Once the responsible party has been identified, your attorney will work to compile a claim that represents the full worth of your losses. In the state of Texas, carbon monoxide poisoning victims can claim both economic and non-economic losses. Between these two categories, you should be able to claim any losses you have suffered as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning.

In order to receive fair compensation, you will likely require the representation of a quality injury attorney throughout the filing process. Your attorney will ensure your carbon monoxide injury claim clearly establishes the defendant’s liability as well as the extent of damages. Additionally, their legal expertise and years of experience will help them to protect your best interests throughout financial settlement negotiations.

To start the process of filing your personal injury lawsuit, schedule a consultation with a carbon monoxide poisoning attorney today. During your consultation, your attorney can evaluate your claim and answer any questions you may have about your legal rights.

Call the Texas Personal Injury Lawyers at Carabin Shaw to Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning in Houston, Texas, the personal injury lawyers of Carabin Shaw can help you win fair compensation. For three decades, we have worked to defend the rights of Houston accident victims and their families, treating each and every case with the time, respect, and dedication you deserve.

To learn more about why our team of qualified injury lawyers is the best choice for Houston accident victims, Carabin Shaw’s client reviews demonstrate our years of passion for winning fair compensation for our clients. To schedule your no-cost, no-obligation case review with an experienced Carabin Shaw personal injury lawyer, call our 24/7 English and Spanish-speaking staff toll-free today at 800-862-1260.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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