Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at a Rented Property in Houston
If you have been affected by carbon monoxide poisoning in Houston, you are probably considering legal action. Carbon monoxide poisoning can have serious long-term implications for your health, impacting both your finances and your ongoing quality of life.
A personal injury lawsuit may be your best chance at recouping these costs and ensuring that the negative effects of carbon monoxide exposure are financially addressed. However, if you have never pursued a claim before, the process may seem overwhelming. How can you find Houston carbon monoxide poisoning lawyers? Do you even have a case?
Carabin Shaw’s team of Houston injury lawyers specializing in tenant’s rights can help you. Call 1-800-862-1260 today for a free consultation and initial case review.
What Causes Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. It can only be detected by specialized detectors or by noting the effects of its toxicity. For this reason, rental properties are required to be outfitted with working carbon monoxide detectors. A faulty, broken, or poorly-installed detector can be deadly for tenants, and is a mark of negligent ownership.
Carbon monoxide itself comes from several sources, usually gas appliances. A carbon monoxide leak can come from old or faulty installation of these appliances, such as refrigerators and ovens. Property owners owe a duty of care to their tenants to make sure that all appliances included with the property are safely and correctly installed and maintained.
If you were affected by a gas leak in a poorly maintained apartment, look into Houston carbon monoxide poisoning lawyers to assist you with a personal injury claim.
How Can I Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?There are some basic precautions that, as a tenant, you should follow to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning at a rented property in Houston. Common causes of CO leaks include running gas ovens for too long, such as to heat an apartment, and using gas appliances like space heaters and generators without proper ventilation. Leaving a car idling in a closed garage also releases a dangerous amount of carbon monoxide.
Always make sure to run gas appliances safely to avoid buildup, for your safety and that of your neighbors. If you have suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning despite following these guidelines, you may want to contact a lawyer.
What Are The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?Carbon monoxide is dangerous because it inhibits the body’s ability to carry oxygen through the blood, essentially suffocating the victim. It can cause several long- and short-term health defects, including:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Delirium
- Brain damage
- Heart disease
- Unconsciousness
- Miscarriage
The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are sometimes described as similar to a flu without fever. If these symptoms sound similar to what you have experienced, you should immediately get checked for toxicity and seek medical treatment, as well as the services of an attorney to help you with a lawsuit.
Can I Really Sue For Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?While no property owner would intentionally harm their tenants through carbon monoxide poisoning, a negligent landlord can nonetheless allow harmful gas leaks to occur undetected. Buying old or faulty detectors and excessively leaky appliances as a cost-saving measure can be a sign of negligence, as is hiring untrained or incompetent maintenance staff that would allow a faulty detector or leaky appliance to go unrepaired. Installing a detector in the wrong place is negligent as well; Houston law requires that every structure built after 2008 have CO detectors installed within 10 feet of each bedroom.
However, if you as a tenant have damaged appliances in ways that cause them to leak more gas, or intentionally covered or broken your carbon monoxide detector, a court of law is unlikely to rule in your favor. If you have followed basic safety precautions and still suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, look into Houston injury lawyers to file a personal injury claim.