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Burn Victims in Allen Texas

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Have you or a loved one been severely injured in an Allen Tx burn accident? 1.1 million burn accidents will result in hospitalization every year. These injuries can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs and incalculable pain and suffering.

In Allen, accident victims can seek compensation for these injuries with the help of a qualified Allen burn injury attorney. If you are eligible to file a burn injury lawsuit to seek compensation for your injuries, contact the Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw to explore your options.

Common Injuries from Allen Burn Accidents

When determining the most common injuries sustained in Allen burn accidents, it is important to start with the initial burn injury itself. Burn injuries are categorized by degrees of severity.

A First Degree Burn
  • Damages only the outer layer of skin (epidermis)
  • May result in redness/irritation
  • May not require medical attention
A Second-Degree Burn
  • Damages the inner and outer layers of skin (dermis and epidermis)
  • May result in blistered skin
  • Often requires three to eight weeks to fully heal
A Third-Degree Burn
  • Is the most serious of all burn injuries
  • Damages both layers of skin and tissues beneath
  • Can result in fatal infection or long-term disability
  • May require extensive reconstructive surgeries or physical rehabilitation

The initial burn often isn’t the only injury sustained, however. Some of the most dangerous consequences of a burn accident are the complications resulting in the aftermath of the initial injuries. These complications may include:

  • Scalded lungs
  • Damaged nerves
  • Joint damage
  • Severe scarring
  • Sepsis/infection
  • Disfigurement
  • Amputation
  • Permanent or temporary loss of mobility

You deserve full compensation for your burn injuries and any resulting complications. When you schedule a consultation with an Allen Tx personal injury lawyer, be sure to provide any relevant documentation to help your attorney establish the full extent of your injuries.

Other Damages Claimed in Allen Burn Injury Lawsuits

While victims are justifiably concerned with seeking compensation for their physical injuries, it is important to be aware of victims’ right to compensation for other categories of losses.

In addition to their physical injuries, victims may claim economic losses such as:

  • Medical debt
  • Lost wages (if injured at the workplace)
  • Lost insurance and/or employment benefits
  • Property damage
  • Emergency treatment
  • Long-term physical therapy

Additionally, victims have the right to seek non-economic damages for their pain and suffering. These damages are more difficult to quantify than economic and physical losses, but that doesn’t mean victims shouldn’t receive some form of compensation to cover these losses.

Burn victims could seek compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • PTSD
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of consortium

An experienced Allen Tx personal injury lawyer will incorporate your physical, economic, and emotional damages into your burn injury claim. It is important to hire an accident attorney with prior experience representing burn injury victims and specialty practice areas in personal injury law. If you have yet to hire a lawyer, consider the burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw.

Call the Texas Attorneys at Carabin Shaw to Schedule Your Free Case Review

Burn victims in Allen Texas deserve the best representation for their accident claim; the firm of Carabin Shaw can provide it. Our team of highly experienced Allen burn injury attorneys have helped burn injury victims and their families seek the compensation they deserve for nearly 30 years. We are continually honored to serve the Allen Tx community.

If you would like to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation initial consultation with a Carabin Shaw burn injury lawyer, call our office toll-free at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online contact form.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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