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Beyond Workers' Comp - Legal Options After a Rowlett TX Work Injury

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Work injuries are common, regardless of the city you work in or the industries in the area. Rowlett TX’s workers are particularly at risk in the healthcare, education, and transportation industries. If you were recently seriously injured on the job, it is important to understand your rights and legal options in regards to worker’s compensation and beyond. While Texas companies can choose whether or not to provide worker’s compensation for employees, all workers have additional options for help regardless.

After your injury, it is important to understand worker's compensation and what legal action you should take to ensure you have the security and peace of mind you need to recover. The Rowlett work accident lawyers at Carabin Shaw are work injury experts here to support your fight for justice. Use the guide below to get started, then call an attorney at 800-862-1260 to schedule your free, no-obligation case review.

What To Do After Your Work Injury

Before you contact a serious work accident lawyer in Texas, you should find out if your employer provides workers comp insurance coverage or if they are a “non-subscriber.” Companies that are considered non-subscribers have opted out of workers comp. Texas is unique in offering companies the option to provide this form of insurance for its workers or not.

Once you understand whether or not you have access to workers comp, you can take specific action depending on your circumstances. For those with employers who provide workers comp, there are specific steps you can take to ensure you get all possible benefits included in your coverage. For those without, you can hire a work injury lawyer in Rowlett, Texas to sue for negligence.

What Legal Action Can You Take?

Whether you have access to workers comp or not, you can work with an attorney and take legal action to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve. Use the lists below to identify what you can do to ensure you get everything you need to get back on your feet after your injury.

Within Workers Compensation

Follow the steps below to ensure you have access to all possible benefits of workers compensation:

  1. Report your injury to your employer within 30 days
  2. Complete the Employee’s Claim for Compensation for a Work-Related Injury or Occupational Disease (DWC Form041). Send this to the Division of Workers Compensation (DWC) of Texas within one year of your injury or illness.
  3. Use the Injured Employee Checklist to understand what you need to give to your doctor, what documentation your employer requires, and what you need to heal well and return to work.

Beyond Workers Compensation

If your employer is a non-subscriber, you still have options. First, do NOT sign any post-injury documentation. These documents, presented as offers to ensure you are properly taken care of during your injury, often protect the company from being sued and losing money. Always seek counsel from an experienced Rowlett TX work injury attorney before signing any documents.

Texas companies are responsible for providing a reasonably safe work environment and are liable if a lack of safety caused your injury. If you were wrongfully injured or contracted an illness while working, our state requires injured employees to prove that their negligence caused your injury. If you want to sue, you must be prepared to collect proof and evidence.

Evidence can include photos and videos, witnesses onsite when the injury happened, and expert witnesses who have unique, professional insights on the subject matter. Again, a lawyer will help exponentially by investigating your accident thoroughly and building the strongest case possible.

Carabin Shaw Attorneys Fight For Victims’ Rights | Seriously Injured in a Work Accident in Rowlett, Texas, Call Today To Begin Your Journey

Our team of professional at Carabin Shaw has expert-level knowledge in work injury law. We are equipped to provide legal guidance for those who need help navigating worker’s comp and employees who work for non-subscribers. Our client reviews prove our dedication to compassionately assisting hard workers in Rowlett TX with their claims.

If you are ready to begin the fight for your worker's rights, call 24 hours a day seven days a week at 800-862-1260 and speak to our English or Spanish-speaking staff. We offer our services on a contingency-fee basis to ensure that all who need legal help can access it without the strain of more financial obligations. You won’t pay a penny unless we win your case.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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