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Austin Rideshare Physical Assault: Victims Deserve Compensation From Uber or Lyft

When Uber and Lyft made their reappearances in Austin in 2017, it was after clashing with the city regarding fingerprint background checks. Texas House Bill 100 was then established, introducing a framework for the rideshare companies that included mandated background checks (that did not require fingerprinting), a company licensing process, insurance requirements, and more. Sadly, this did not completely eliminate the possibility of violent drivers being hired.

If you or someone you love were the victim of a Uber or Lyft physical assault in Austin Tx recently, the injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw will fight for your rights to ensure you receive the justice and compensation that you deserve. Call 800-862-1260 to schedule your free case review as soon as possible after seeking medical attention, filing a police report, and filing a report with the appropriate rideshare company.

The Trauma of an Austin Rideshare Assault: You're Not Alone

Physical assaults result in a wide variety of injuries, including physical and emotional. Below are some common injuries reported, but these can vary based on force, if weapons were used, and the victim’s previous health. Experiencing any of these from a rideshare driver should result in seeking medical attention immediately and contacting the Austin police. Additionally, seek the help of an Austin rideshare assault lawyer to weigh your legal options.

Common Side Effects and Injuries Resulting from a Physical Assault

  • Broken bones or fractures
  • Concussions and other brain injuries
  • Dental injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Anxiety and/or depression
  • Sleep disturbances
Understanding Your Rights as an Austin Rideshare Assault Victim

If you are suffering from a recent physical or sexual assault at the hands of a rideshare driver in Austin, Tx, you deserve compensation for the traumatic ordeal you have experienced. While Uber and Lyft have seemingly implemented driver regulations and background checks that are supposed to flag any potential threatening drivers, some fall through the cracks.

The following negligent practices on behalf of the rideshare company may lead to a victim pursuing an Uber or Lyft assault Austin lawsuit:

  • Negligent Hiring
    • This claim alleges that the ridesharing company in question failed to exercise reasonable care in their hiring practices. This may mean the driver who attacked you had a violent history that should have been discovered, and they therefore shouldn’t have been eligible to drive in the first place.
  • Negligent Retention
    • This claim can be made if the ridesharing company knew about prior violent incidents while the driver was working and failed to fire the driver or take other appropriate action.
  • Negligent Security
    • This claim may apply if the physical assault happened due to a security lapse in the app or lack of safety features that allowed the driver to take the passenger to another area where the attack took place.
Holding Rideshare Companies Accountable After an Assault in Austin

Because these cases are complex and involve large companies who are looking to silence injured victims and/or get them to settle for the least compensation possible, consulting with an experienced Texas assault attorney is crucial. A legal professional, such as the Austin TX injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw, is able to evaluate your potential case, find all sources of liability on behalf of the rideshare company, and provide expert guidance about your legal options and strategy moving forward.

Building a Strong Case for Compensation with an Austin TX Rideshare Assault Attorney
  • Evidence: Keep any and all evidence associated with the physical assault including clothing, screenshots of communication with the driver, hospital bills, photos of your injuries, and more. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case is likely to be. Your lawyer will later assist in strategizing your case according to this evidence.
  • Communication: Refrain from discussing your case with the rideshare company’s insurance agencies. When speaking to investigators, communicate the details of the event without speculating. Allow your legal counsel to handle the majority of the interactions.
  • Social Media: Don’t post about your accident on social media. Anything posted may be used against you in any further court proceedings.
  • Document: Continue to document your experience with your pain and suffering after your initial medical treatments. A journal outlining how you feel each day and what specifically you are experiencing can be incredibly helpful.
Take Action Today To Hold Uber and Lyft Accountable - Trusted Texas Lawyers Offering Free Case Review, Call 800-862-1260 Today

If you were recently a victim and are now looking to pursue Austin rideshare physical assault compensation, Carabin Shaw’s attorneys are ready and willing to fight on your behalf. Our qualified professionals have decades of experience with personal injury law and rideshare company policies in the Lone Star State. In addition to a free case review, we offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, which means you do not pay us unless your case is won.

Call 800-862-1260 at any time of day or night to speak with an empathetic team member who will ensure that you receive the care and respect you deserve. English- and Spanish-speaking staff are available for your convenience.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Austin Office
1609 Shoal Creek Blvd #100
Austin, TX 78701

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.