Are you in Corpus Christi? Have You Been In An Auto Accident?
If your loved one, or you, have been injured in an auto or light truck accident, the injured party may have a suit or claim to recover your actual expenses and costs connected with your economic damages, property damage, medical costs, and emotional and physical suffering and pain. The difficult part is getting full recovery for the actual monetary value of all damages is generally a complicated process. Working with an experienced lawyer who has represented injured people for many years helps you or your loved one get into the best position to actually get the monetary recovery that you deserve for all of your injuries and/or damages.
Damages AvailableIn auto and truck wreck cases, those who are injured may well recover for mental suffering and pain, physical suffering and pain, rehabilitative and medical expenses, future and past lost income, permanent disfigurement and/or impairment. Such damages typically include reasonably certain future medical bills, physical damage to property, and loss of life’s enjoyment. Previous injuries do not always get in the way of your right to compensation and recovery. An injured person can still get a recovery for damages if they re-injure or aggravate the earlier injury at issue. A daily diary documenting your damages can be a huge help in recovering fair damages. A person injured by an accident really should keep a diary, updated daily, describing exactly how the various injuries are affecting him, her and the immediate family on each day.
Damages for Family membersThe legal spouse of an accident victim also may be able to get a recovery for any damage to between the spouses. Usually, the wife and the husband both bring claims, called "loss of consortium." Loss of consortium refers generally to all negative effects upon the marital relationship which were caused by the accident. These can include lost ability to have children, loss of the other spouse's love, moral support, affection, comfort, solace, companionship, sexual relations, and physical help in the maintaining and operating a home. Loss of consortium is either permanent or temporary.
How Much Can Someone Recover?The monetary value of an vehicle accident case varies, depending on a number of factors. These include how the vehicle accident occurred, how easy it is or isn’t to establish the other party being at fault, the seriousness and type of any injuries, the extent, frequency and type, of medical treatment needed, and how much of insurance coverage is available. Some other relevant factors include how exactly the accident occurred, how much was the vehicle damaged, whether or not any injuries involve visible scarring or are permanent, your expected future medical bills and the amount of your past medical bills, and the long and short term effect of your injuries on your income. Each personal injury case is very different. This is why getting help from an attorney with experience handling these kinds of important accident claims, will help you get the fair monetary compensation for your injury and damage claim.
ConclusionInjuries received in a vehicle accident can be life altering and catastrophic. Disabling and serious injuries can affect not only you, but your family members also. Even a relatively minor injury that requires medical attention and results in lost time away from work can have an impact on you family. If you are a vehicle accident victim who has concerns or questions about your damages, contact Carabin Shaw to help you by pursuing the companies or individuals that caused your injuries, figure out what insurance is paid up and available, and maximize your damages and recovery.
If you have been injured in a vehicle accident, contact Carabin Shaw today. We offer free initial consultations and work on a contingent fee basis, which means that there is never a fee unless we successfully resolve your case.
Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 361.444.1111, local if you’re in Corpus Christi.