What to Expect When Filing a Sexual Assault Lawsuit in Houston

Since the beginning of 2023, Houston has experienced a 5.5% rise in sexual assault, but fewer than half of those survivors press charges. Too often, cases of sexual assault go unpunished and the survivors are left with the full burden of paying for the mental and physical care required to cope with the result of such a violating crime.

Filing a lawsuit with a Houston attorney for sexual assault victims is the only way to ensure that the perpetrator of your assault is held legally and fiscally responsible.

Your Options for Filing a Lawsuit for Sexual Assault in Texas

In the state of Texas, sexual assault is broadly defined, and encompasses:

  • All non-consensual contact and sexual acts
  • Some consensual contact and acts if involving a person under 18

While this can be confusing if navigating the legal system without the expertise of one of Harris County’s most skilled sexual assault attorneys.

In the state of Texas, you have two legal options for prosecuting an assailant.

  1. Criminal Suit
  2. Civil Suit

You are entitled to file for both types of action simultaneously. Call our toll free number today for an initial consultation in which one of our lawyers will help you construct a strategy that best fits your situation.

Seeking Justice After a Sexual Assault By Filing a Civil Suit

A civil suit can oftentimes be the more direct route to compensation after a sexual assault, as the assailant is required to pay you directly, rather than pay the fine to the state. This is especially true if the assault happened at the fault of a third-party often referred to as an enabler: a company or organization which indirectly caused the assault by negligence in preventing the assault.

Examples of enablers can be:

  1. Rideshare Companies
  2. Educational Systems or Individual Schools
  3. Hospitals
  4. Your Employer

If you are seeking compensation for rideshare assault in Houston Texas filing a civil suit against the enabler, has the potential to result in larger damages and a higher chance of success than suing the individual driver. If you have been assaulted due to the negligence of a rideshare company, contact rideshare sexual assault lawyers in Houston at Carabin Shaw to discuss your options and chances of success.

What Makes a Civil Suit More Successful

Most cases of sexual assault go unpunished due to a failure to provide sufficient evidence. The victim, in cases of sexual assault in Texas, is required to demonstrate proof that the defendant in question, committed the assault, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Reasons You May Not Be Able to Uphold the Burden of Proof
  1. Lack of physical evidence of an assault
  2. Lack of documentation of the assault
  3. Unable to provide credibility in testimony
  4. Juror bias

We offer our services on a contingency-fee basis meaning that working with us is a testament to our unwavering faith in you. We will be there to help you build your case and prosecute it aggressively so that you get the settlement you deserve. See our past clients testimonials as evidence at Carabin Shaw reviews.

How Can a Houston Based Sexual Assault Attorney Help?

Starting a litigation is never simple, and is always emotionally draining. In the case of sexual assault, all of that is amplified. If you are about to begin your Houston sexual assault lawsuit process, then hiring the right lawyer is an essential first step.

Call Carabin Shaw for a Free Case Review

By partnering with a trusted and experienced member of our team, we will be able to be by your side through every step from filing the police report to your trial day. Call us today toll free at 800-862-1260 where one of our English AND Spanish speaking team members is available to speak with you 24/7.

We have been helping survivors of sexual assault for over 28 years and are ready for your call.

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