What To Do After an Eagle Pass 18 Wheeler Accident

If you have been involved in a truck accident near Eagle Pass, Texas, you are likely wondering what your next step should be. On top of pressing medical issues, you may have to deal with hospital bills, the cost of vehicle repair, and possible lost wages from having to miss work. You may be considering legal action.

Carabin Shaw can help you. Our team of Eagle Pass truck accident attorneys have the knowledge, experience, and dedication necessary to help you pursue a personal injury case and win the compensation that you deserve. Call us today at 1-800-862-1260 for a free, no-obligation consultation to see what we can do for you.

What Causes an 18 Wheeler Accident in Eagle Pass?

Accidents involving commercial vehicles in Eagle Pass, Texas can have many causes. While some accidents are unavoidable, many can be attributed to negligence on the part of the driver and/or their employer, making them at least partially responsible for the accident. These include:

  • Failure to obey the speed limit
  • Failure to signal a lane change
  • Failure to properly secure cargo
  • Failure to properly inspect and maintain the vehicle
  • Failure on the part of the employer to insure that the driver is adequately trained and licensed
  • Operator error, resulting in accidents such as jackknifing
  • Operating under the influence
  • Driving while operating a cell phone or otherwise distracted
  • Drowsy driving
  • Intentionally under-reporting hours driven

If you believe that any of the above may have been a factor in your accident, it could be worthwhile to pursue a personal injury claim. Look into Eagle Pass accident attorneys to assist you in knowing what to do after an Eagle Pass 18 wheeler accident.

What To Do Next

If you have suffered significant financial losses as a result of an 18 wheeler accident in Eagle pass, the most effective way to see them addressed may be through a personal injury claim.

A personal injury claim is the precursor to a lawsuit. You and your attorney will request a certain amount of damages from the defendant based on the amount of financial loss and noneconomic suffering that has resulted from the accident. After a period of negotiation, you and your opponent will either come to an agreement or file a lawsuit, which will make your claim into an official legal case to be decided upon by a judge. The majority of personal injury lawsuits, however, are still settled out of court, so it is unlikely that your claim will see the inside of a courtroom.

How Can I Find Eagle Pass Accident Attorneys?

Looking into Eagle Pass truck accident attorneys should be the first step in your legal process. Having an experienced lawyer to help you through the legal process will make your case much more likely to succeed. However, the decision of which attorney is right for your case can be an intimidating one.

Free consultations are a useful tool in making such a decision. With a consultation, you can talk to a lawyer about the details of your case, their approach, and what they see as the most likely outcome, getting a sense of their practice and what they would be like to work with. You can also inquire about their experience with truck accident litigation, and whether or not they have the specialized knowledge and experience necessary for a successful case. Make sure that you hire a lawyer who has a successful record of working with clients in situations similar to yours.

Carabin Shaw’s legal team has extensive experience representing clients who have been injured in 18 wheeler accidents. If you are wondering what to do after an Eagle Pass 18 wheeler accident, call us today at 1-800-862-1260 to see if we would be right for you.

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