Victoria Hurricane Harvey Flooding

Victoria suffered from several types of damage during this most recent hurricane, but one of the most severe categories was flood damage. Victoria Hurricane Harvey flooding accounts for over fifty percent of the damage sustained by business and homes. The attorneys at Carabin Shaw know that while everyone who owned property of any classification in Victoria did their best to decrease the impact of this damage before the storm arrived, but we also know that those efforts can go unrecognized when it comes to receiving help from insurance companies.

If you are having an issue filing any Victoria hurricane claims, contact us today. With over two decades of experience, we have the knowledge to help you with any kind of problem you may be experiencing.

One common misconception about flood damage is that the damage begins where the walls of a structure meet the floor. Some insurance companies go so far as to state their coverage in this way, focusing on the materials that make up a home or business. The problem with such understanding; however, is that it neglects the foundation or slab that the structure rests on.

Our lawyers have encountered cases where the victim’s walls were not damaged by flooding, which caused them to think they had escaped the worst of the possible damage. Months later, as walls began to shift and doorframes to burst at the edges, they realized that the flooding had caused the foundation to crumble. Unfortunately, by the time they got around to filing a claim with their insurance company, it was difficult to trace the current state of the house to the direct consequences of the flood.

This unnecessarily slowed the recovery process and added many more types of repair than would have been necessary if the attorneys at Carabin Shaw had been brought in for representation sooner. A final note: just because you live on the north or east sides of Victoria does not mean you are free from Victoria Hurricane Harvey flooding. While it is true that more damage is typically done on areas near the Guadalupe River, Riverside Park and Highway 77, do not take a slightly higher elevation than these locations as a guarantee of safety.

Also, our lawyers recommend keeping track of as many expenses related to the flood as possible. This includes items bought in preparation, such as bottled water, canned food, and gasoline, as well as things purchased to reduce existing damage and speed recovery, like tarpaulins, plumber’s tape, and water pumps. Even if you have thrown away the receipts for many of these items weeks or months ago, it is better to have an estimate of these costs than nothing at all. Any and all information you can provide will help our attorneys build a stronger case for why your family or business needs the full amount of compensation the law in Victoria allows.

Victoria Hurricane Harvey flooding, while untimely or even unexpected, does not have to be something you deal with alone. The law offices of Carabin Shaw are here to help you get back on your feet, and we are committed to providing our services at no initial cost to you. We do this by offering free consultations to anyone who wants to retain our services and working on a contingency basis. This means that you can decide if we are the best law firm for you before choosing to let us represent your interests, and it also means that if your case is not successful, we do not get paid.

Give our Victoria flooding insurance claims lawyer a call today at 361.485.1400 or toll-free at 1.800.682.1260.

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