Uvalde Side Impact Accidents

Uvalde side impact accidents are almost always a direct result of another driver running a red light or a stop sign. The devastation and trauma suffered as a result of this type of accident can be extensive and debilitating, with long term physical and emotional trauma that can be life-altering. Victims are also often left without a vehicle, and sometimes even lose their means for income at a time when funds are crucial to recovering quality of life. If you’ve been in such an accident, you need a competent and experienced lawyer in Uvalde to recover these losses quickly and completely.

Injuries in Uvalde Side Impact Accidents

The force when being side-swiped is abrupt and violent, and frequently results in the victim suffering whiplash—a violent thrusting forward and back of the neck that causes damage to the spinal column and surrounding nerves. Victims may suffer spinal damage and can become paralyzed, or they may suffer brain injury with mental impairments.

Victims additionally may suffer from multiple types of injuries such as crushed or broken hip and leg bones, resulting in a lifelong limp, or even the amputation or loss of limbs. Another dire consequence may be crushing impact to the chest causing a tension pneumothorax, which can affect your heart.

Equally as intense and painful is the mental anguish and suffering caused by Uvalde auto accidents. The emotional distress the victim experiences will often manifest through anxiety attacks. This anxiety, along with other symptoms, may possibly even be classified as post traumatic shock disorder, or PTSD.

All these injuries can handicap the quality of your life forever, and recovery can be a slow, painful, and lengthy process. The time to recover and the long-term implications of your injuries can directly affect the claims eligibility and ultimate outcome of your case. If you’ve suffered injuries from side impact accidents, contact our expert team of attorneys at Carabin Shaw in Uvalde. Let us help you obtain the necessary compensation to which you are rightfully entitled.

Damage Claims in Uvalde Side Impact Accidents

When assessing the damages as a result of the accident, there is the obvious damage to your vehicle, but you may also be eligible to claim additional lost property, such personal belongings inside the car at the time of the accident.

While your local Uvalde collision repair shop may assess the damage to your car and provide an estimate of the cost of repairs to the insurance company, the check they cut to you may not reflect the full cost of your losses. They may compensate you for the dollar amount on the repair invoice, but neglect to account for income lost due to transportation issues or permanent reductions of the vehicle’s value, and frequently without knowledgeable representation, victims end up with the short end of the deal.

Attorneys Who Fight Hard and win

If you have been in a side impact collision, you need a trustworthy Uvalde side impact accident lawyer to advise your case and protect your interests. The team of attorneys at Carabin Shaw cares about the loss of your vehicle, and even more about the injuries you may have suffered.

The at-fault insurance company may send a representative to Uvalde seeking to make a settlement offer. These offers are usually a fraction of what they know they might owe, and settling a claim too quickly can result in loss of substantial compensation and jeopardize your recovery. This is where our team of expert lawyers comes in. We know how to fight underhanded insurance companies to obtain fair compensation for both property damage and medical costs; expert representation is critical to obtain the fullest possible restitution and the justice you deserve.

We know a side impact accident takes a toll in many different ways. You need an experienced attorney to from Carabin Shaw to fight for you. Uvalde side impact accident lawyers with Carabin Shaw fight for our clients with all the resources at their disposal, and time after time, they win the best possible compensation packages for their clients.

Contact one of our Uvalde attorneys about the implications of your personal injury case and how we may best help you. Our bilingual attorneys are standing by twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, ready to provide you with a free case consultation. Call Carabin Shaw today at 800-862-1260 to start down your road to recovery.

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