According to Texas laws, employers in Odessa can terminate employees at any time for almost any reason. However, this “employment at will” status has certain exceptions prevents employers from abusing this power without consequence.
Types of Odessa Wrongful TerminationDespite Texas’ at-will employment policy, lawyers know that there are a few exceptional circumstances under which a Texas employer cannot terminate an employee. Some of the most common unlawful reasons for termination in Odessa include:
If you and your employer have agreed on some form of an employment contract, you are not an at-will employee, which means that your case does not fall under Texas’ at-will doctrine. Only you, your employer, and an attorney can truly determine if you lost your job without cause.
There have been a few cases in Texas where employment contracts have saved an employee from unfair treatment. However, these contracts can also work the other way. In 2007, Joseph Peine of HIT Services claimed that his termination was a Sabine Pilot case. Peine tried to invoke the Sabine Pilot exception by claiming that HIT fired him for refusing to fix the books and falsify financial reports of the company’s earnings.
It turns out that Peine had a confidentiality clause in his employment contract. Because he went behind the company’s back and spoke to a reporter about his legitimate concerns with the company’s accounting practices, he breached his employment contract.
This breach gave his employer cause to argue that the firing had not been for the sole reason of his refusal to engage in criminal activity. Thus, Peine’s lawyers were unable to support the Sabine Pilot exception successfully.
Our Odessa Employment Lawyers Can Help YouIf you believe your circumstances fit the unlawful reasons for termination in Odessa, we want to hear from you. At Carabin Shaw, we prioritize client satisfaction. Our attorneys will help you obtain reparations for various types of wrongful termination damages, and we won’t take a dime until we see your employment lawsuit resolved.
We have representatives ready to answer all your questions about filing a successful wrongful termination lawsuit in Odessa, and we will stop at nothing to see you fairly compensated in your unlawful termination case.
For more information related to the unlawful reasons for termination in Odessa, contact the Odessa employment lawyers of Carabin Shaw at our Midland and Odessa office at 432-620-0544. You can also reach us anytime toll-free at 1-800-862-1260.