
Understanding Shared Liability in Dallas Rideshare Assaults

Rideshare companies and their drivers have a shared liability when one of their passengers is assaulted. If you or anyone you know has been the victim of a rideshare assault in Dallas TX you need to speak immediately with an attorney. Call 800-862-1260 toll-free, 24/7, and speak to top Dallas attorneys at Carabin Shaw.

Our team of Uber assault lawyers in Dallas, Texas are ready to provide you with a free case review. When you make the call you can speak to a representative fluent in either English or Spanish. You do not have to go through this ordeal alone, we are ready to listen, advise, and assist you every step of the way.

What is Shared Liability in an Uber or Lyft Case?

You may have heard that there is a shared liability in Dallas TX rideshare assaults. This means that the person who committed the physical or emotional assault is to blame for their actions, but, the company that employed the individual is equally at fault. The company and the driver share the responsibility for the assault and for the payment of damages that occurred as a result of the assault.

Why Shared Liability Applies in Texas Rideshare Assaults
  • Shared liability applies in the cases of assault committed during an Uber or Lyft ride:
  • Because the driver is responsible for what they say or do
  • If the assault is committed by another passenger, the driver is responsible for allowing the action to continue
  • The company that employs a driver is at fault because they are responsible for the actions of their employees while the employee is on duty.
The Texas Assault Laws

The Texas assault laws define an assault as:

  • Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person
  • Threatening another person with imminent bodily injury
  • Causing physical contact with another person when you know they will consider the contact to be offensive or provocative

Remember that if you have been the victim of an assault you did nothing wrong. The perpetrator of the assault is guilty, and the company that employs the perpetrator may also be guilty because they employed them and may have demonstrated some negligence in doing so.

Most Common Assaults Reported

The assaults most frequently mentioned in a rideshare assault lawsuit in Texas include:

  • Verbal assaults
  • Physical contact such as pushing, slapping, punching, or kicking
  • Abusive behaviors and speech
  • Inappropriate sexual contact

Do not be embarrassed or shameful if you endured an assault. First call the police to report the incident and then call a lawyer. A Lyft assault attorney in Dallas TX will stand beside you to see that justice is served and compensation is attained for your emotional and physical losses.

Financial Repercussions of a Rideshare Assault

A rideshare assault can leave you traumatized and make you reluctant to use this type of transportation to travel to and from work. Other financial repercussions caused by these assaults include:

  • Possible time off work because you could not get to your job.
  • Fear and anxiety that cause you to need medical attention or medications.
  • Bodily injuries that require medical attention or medications.,
  • The cost of hiring legal representation.

At Carabin Shaw we can help you with some of the financial repercussions caused by a rideshare assault in Texas because:

  • We offer a toll-free 800-862-1260 number for you to call to reach our legal staff
  • We offer a free case review
  • We offer services on a contingency-fee basis

Our reviews by clients across the Southern U.S. demonstrate that we care deeply about our clients and their experiences. We want you to feel safe, and be vindicated for the assault you endured. We fight for you and make the liable parties pay for their poor decisions and actions.

Injured and Overwhelmed? Fight Back! Get a Free Case Review at Carabin Shaw - Call Now!

Our toll-free phone line, 800-862-1260 is answered 24/7 and 365. Communication is easy because we have English and Spanish-speaking staff members available. We charge nothing for the phone call as well as an initial, no-obligation consultation.

Put yourself in the capable, expert hands of the attorneys at Carabin Shaw and let us fight for justice for you.

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Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.
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