Texas Uber and Lyft Assault Lawyers - Legal Support for Austin Victims

If you have been physically assaulted by an Uber or Lyft driver in Austin, Texas, then the Austin TX Uber and Lyft assault attorneys at Carabin Shaw are ready to fight for the justice and financial compensation that you are owed. While rideshare assault can be rare, there is no denying that it happens, and any level of physical assault can impact a rideshare passenger for the rest of their lives.

A compassionate and experienced Austin rideshare violence lawyer with Carabin Shaw will work with you to explore your options after an assault incident. Our legal system provides ways for victims to seek rightful compensation, and those options are always easier to navigate with the guidance of a trusted attorney.

How Can Austin Rideshare Assault Attorneys Help You?

After a rideshare physical assault incident, victims often feel powerless. It is important to know that you aren’t alone, either as a victim or in your journey towards the justice and healing that you are entitled to.

According to Uber’s recent safety report, there were 19 fatal physical assaults in the 2019-2020 reporting period. However, they do not report the number of non-fatal physical assaults. While rare, this means that these events are not nearly as uncommon as many people think.

Working with a Lyft or Uber passenger injury lawyer means hiring an expert who will:

1. Help You Regain Control

U.S. legal avenues for assault victims stand as a path towards regaining control after an assault incident. Our team will hold your abuser accountable so that you get the closure you need to move forward and begin your road to recovery.

2. Identify Your legal options

Physical assault cases can have multiple pathways towards compensation and justice, depending on local laws and regulations. Working with a lawyer who is familiar with Austin laws, in particular, means that your case will move quickly and efficiently through the legal system.

3. Recover Necessary Compensation for Damages

Texas penal code 22.01 defines assault as intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily harm to another person. This means that physical assault cases can operate as civil or criminal cases, and both can be pursued.

Pursuing a criminal case can save future potential victims from assault, but it is through a personal injury claim, and the support of an Uber or Lyft assault lawyer, that you can win the compensation you need to fully recover from your assault.

4. Ensure That Your Case Adheres to Legal Restraints

Filing a personal injury claim against an Uber or Lyft driver in Austin can be a lengthy process, and the statute of limitations can be as short as two years. This means that any misfiling, improper paperwork, or insubstantial evidence can be devastating to a claim.

Our experts know the ins and outs of the Austin legal system, and we guarantee that your case will be handled with the utmost care. Visit the Carabin Shaw reviews to see how we have supported our clients in the best, and for evidence of the quality services we provide.

Free Case Review for Austin Rideshare Assault Victims | Carabin Shaw

Deciding how to pursue your legal claim is a difficult decision, but it is not one that you need to make on your own. Our free case review provides you with an initial meeting that gives you access to any and all information you need to decide on how you want to move forward with your case.

Furthermore, because we offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, you pay nothing for our quality efforts until your case is won and your compensation is in your hands.

Protect Your Rights After Uber/Lyft Assault | Fight Back With Carabin Shaw!

You don’t need to suffer in silence after a rideshare physical assault incident. The trusted attorneys at Carabin Shaw are ready to fight for your right, and for the justice and compensation that you are entitled to.

To start your claims process, call our English and Spanish-speaking staff, available 24/7 and toll-free, at 800-962-1260.

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