San Antonio Motorcycle Accident Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

Many San Antonio residents prefer motorcycles because they give riders a greater sense of freedom and are typically more fuel-efficient than cars. Motorcycles also cost less than cars to buy, insure, and upkeep, which makes them an attractive option for many single riders. The major downside to motorcycle travel, however, is the increased danger riders face in an accident.

If you are looking for a motorcycle accident injury lawyer, Carabin Shaw fits your needs. Our attorneys are ready to advocate for you and secure compensation for your injuries. After a wreck, determining your next steps can be overwhelming, but our team is here to help.

What Makes Motorcycles so Dangerous?

The San Antonio motorcycle accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw know that bikes benefit all commuters by putting less stress on traffic. However, many drivers do not watch for motorcyclists the same way they look out for cars, which puts bikers at risk. Essentially, motorcycles are so dangerous because other drivers are not as attuned to their presence. This carelessness is especially concerning because, without a protective structure around them, bikers are more likely to experience significant or fatal injuries upon a crash.

Our lawyers know that national data illustrates the scope of the motorcycle crash problem:
  • According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 4,976 motorcyclists died in accidents in 2016. That same year, motorcyclist deaths accounted for 13% of all annual crashes—more than double motorcyclist fatalities from 1997.
  • The IIHS reports that 60% of motorcyclist deaths in 2016 occurred in multiple-vehicle crashes with a negligent driver.
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that for every mile traveled in 2015, motorcyclist deaths occurred nearly 29 times more frequently than car occupant fatalities.

Motorcycle safety is a critical issue across the United States, and San Antonio is no exception. If you live in the area and are searching for the “best motorcycle accident lawyer near me,” call Carabin Shaw. Our attorneys are ready to listen to you.

Negligent vs. Reckless Driving

Because negligent or reckless driving causes most motorcycle crashes, understanding these terms is crucial. Negligent driving occurs when a driver does not practice reasonable care when operating a vehicle. Negligent drivers often do not recognize that their actions can have negative consequences for other people on the road. By contrast, reckless drivers have a willful disregard for others’ safety. Though these categories are separate, a motorcycle accident injury lawyer can pursue a lawsuit if either type of poor driving causes an accident.

Some examples of negligence include:
  • Unsafe or unsignaled lane changes
  • Running a stoplight or a stop sign
  • Failing to yield
  • Making sudden stops or failing to stop
Reckless driving might involve:
  • Excessive speeding
  • Racing
  • Tailgating
  • Weaving through traffic
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

If the court determines that a driver is guilty of negligence, he or she could have to compensate the injured party for property damages, medical expenses, and loss of income. If the driver was reckless, he or she might also owe general damages to compensate the injured party for pain and suffering.

Start Your Claim Today

For a successful claim, your lawyer must prove the other motorist is at fault. To determine liability, you will need to show that the driver’s failure to follow specific rules caused your motorcycle collision. You also must be able to show that the physical and emotional trauma you suffered as a result of the crash led to losses, like medical expenses, physical rehabilitation, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

To make the most of your case, your motorcycle accident injury lawyer will look at the accident report, witness testimonies, your injuries and medical bills, proof of missed work, and more.

If you are searching for the “best motorcycle accident lawyer near me,” the San Antonio motorcycle accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw are the answer. To reach us, dial 210-222-2288 or toll-free at 1-800-862-1260.

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