Pursuing an Amarillo Burn Injury Lawsuit

Are you looking to pursue financial compensation after suffering a severe burn injury in Amarillo? Have you considered filing a burn injury lawsuit but are unsure what to expect? Many burn victims may have more questions than answers. If this describes you, the team of Carabin Shaw burn injury attorneys in Amarillo Texas have put together the following general guide to help burn victims and their families begin planning for their personal injury suit.

Learning more about the steps of pursuing an Amarillo burn injury lawsuit can help you and your family feel more confident as you begin the process. However, it is important to always consult with a qualified personal injury lawyer before taking legal action.

What to Expect When Filing a Burn Injury Lawsuit
  1. Hiring an Experienced Amarillo Personal Injury Attorney

    The most important step towards filing a successful burn injury lawsuit is finding the right attorney for you. An attorney with a specialty practice area in personal injury law (specifically burn injuries) and a proven record of negotiating fair financial settlements for their clients is most likely the best fit for your burn injury suit.

  2. Establishing Liability

    Once you’ve hired legal representation, your lawyer will then seek to establish liability for your burn accident. A party can be found legally liable for your injuries if they owed you a duty or care and their negligence/wrongful act violated this duty. A lawyer would need to establish that the party’s negligence/wrongful act directly or indirectly caused your injuries. For example, a landlord could be held financially responsible for their tenant’s burn injuries if they failed to keep their rental properties up to state and federal standards.

    Note: some of the most common burn injuries originate from workplace accidents. Injured employees are ineligible to file a personal injury lawsuit against their employer if they were offered fair workman’s compensation. However, if you were injured at work and were not offered workman’s compensation or your injuries were caused by a party other than your employer, speak to an attorney to explore your options.

  3. Claiming Damages

    After establishing who can be held financially liable for your injuries, the next step is calculating the full worth of your damages. Damages you can claim may include physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial costs. Be sure to provide documentation for all medical treatments and costs during your consultation.

  4. Negotiating Financial Settlement

    Most personal injury lawsuits are settled through settlement negotiations in order to avoid court costs. It is important that your attorney has the sufficient skills and experience in negotiation so that you can avoid a lengthy and expensive court case. With the help of a qualified burn injury attorney in Amarillo Texas, you could receive a settlement that covers the full cost of your damages.

Seeking financial compensation is simple when you hire a qualified burn injury attorney with the requisite legal knowledge and experience. Plaintiffs who are represented by qualified lawyers receive much higher financial settlements on average than those who represent themselves. The team of attorneys at Carabin Shaw can help make seeking financial compensation for your burn injuries simple, easy, and stress-free.

Trusted Texas Burn Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

At Carabin Shaw, we treat burn injury victims with the care and respect they deserve. With nearly thirty years of experience in personal injury law and a “client-first” philosophy, we have helped families like yours receive fair compensation for their burn injuries. Our Amarillo personal injury attorneys are the foremost option for burn injury victims in Amarillo, Texas.

Free Case Review | Initial Consultation

If you would like to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation initial consultation with an experienced Texas burn injury attorney at Carabin Shaw, call our office toll-free today at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online form.

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