Pursuing a Swimming Pool Drowning Lawsuit in Dallas Tx

Swimming pool accidents are one of the most heartbreaking types of accidents that can happen in Dallas. They are tragic because young children are most often the victims of swimming pool accidents. Children five or younger account for nearly 75% of all nonfatal swimming pool injuries, and drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death for children one through four. These accidents are often preventable if the proper safety precautions are followed.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a swimming pool accident, you should talk to a drowning attorney serving Dallas Tx. The Texas swimming pool accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw have been fighting for Texans for nearly three decades, and we always promise to do more than any other law firm would for our clients.

What Can a Lawyer Do for You After a Swimming Pool Accident?

A swimming pool accident in Dallas can change your life in an instant. When someone else’s negligence causes your suffering, a lawyer can be by your side to help you recover the compensation you’re rightfully owed.

Here are a few of the many ways our law firm can assist you when pursuing a swimming pool drowning lawsuit in Dallas Tx:

Investigating Your Case

The first step in any lawsuit is the investigation. A Dallas personal injury attorney will analyze the police report, your medical records, eyewitness statements, and visit the accident scene to begin compiling your case. They’ll also send a letter of preservation to all involved parties to ensure you have access to any evidence pertaining to your lawsuit.

Determining Liability

It’s vital to hold the correct party accountable in a lawsuit. If you sue the wrong party, you won’t be able to win damages. An experienced attorney can review the circumstances of your case and determine who was responsible for your accident and injuries.

Evaluating Your Claim

An essential piece of leverage in the negotiation process is knowing the potential value of your claim. Calculating your losses from economic damages is relatively simple, but understanding the amount of non-economic damages you could earn takes someone with legal experience.

Negotiating With Insurers

After a swimming pool accident in Dallas, you’ll be contacted by insurers. When you speak with them, make sure to give factual statements only and never admit fault. If you say anything incriminating, it can hurt your chances of winning compensation.

Filing the Paperwork

When filing a lawsuit, you’ll have to fill out a number of forms that must be done correctly and on time. For many people without legal experience, this process can be overwhelming. A drowning attorney serving Dallas Tx can file the paperwork on your behalf.

Giving You Peace of Mind

Fighting for justice after a swimming pool accident can take months, even years. Having a Dallas personal injury attorney who specializes in swimming pool accidents can give you the peace of mind that an expert is handling your case. They can answer your questions, offer guidance, and fight for you, so you don’t have to take on this difficult task alone.

Statute of Limitations in the State of Texas

When pursuing a lawsuit, you have to file within the statute of limitations. In Texas, accident victims must file within two years from the date of their injuries to be eligible for compensation. If you miss this window of time, you may be unable to earn damages.

We Always Fight for What’s Right | Free Case Review

If you or a loved one has been injured or drowned in a swimming pool accident, the Texas swimming pool accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw can be by your side during this difficult time. We can fight to get you the justice you deserve.

Call 800-862-1260 or fill out our online contact form for a free consultation.

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