The state of Texas takes auto accidents involving intoxicated drivers very seriously. Drunk drivers on the road are one of the leading causes of major auto accidents and can result in extreme injuries and even fatalities for those who are involved. In most personal injury cases, accident victims are entitled to compensatory damages. This includes compensation for things such as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and property damages. The purpose of compensatory damages is to reimburse the accident victim for any damages they incurred as a result of their accident. However, in Texas cities such as Austin, punitive damages can be pursued when it comes to personal injury accidents in DWI accident cases as well.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident in Austin, contacting experienced drunk driving accident lawyers serving Austin can ensure you not only receive your compensatory damages but help assist you with the possibility of perusing punitive damages for your accident as well.
What are Punitive Damages?Punitive damages, also known as exemplary damages or punishment damages, differ from compensatory damages. These damages are also awarded to the auto accident victim, but not for the purpose of paying for their medical bills or lost wages. These damages sole purpose is to punish the drunk driver for the negligent actions that led to the accident occurring.
In order to win punitive damages in Austin for DWI cases, gross negligence must be able to be proven. Hiring the assistance of an experienced Austin attorney with ample experience fighting for plaintiffs injured in DWI accidents can increase the likelihood of successfully winning punitive damages.
What is Gross Negligence?In order for punitive damages in Austin for DWI cases to be awarded to the plaintiff of an Austin auto accident, his or her attorney must be able to prove gross negligence. Gross negligence can be best described in two parts.
The state of Texas has been known to award punitive damages to those who have suffered extreme pain and injury as the result of gross negligence on behalf of an intoxicated driver. The punitive damages awarded to the plaintiff are meant to serve as an example of the dangers and consequences that come with driving intoxicated on Texas roads.
Why You Need an Austin DWI LawyerPursuing punitive damages in Austin for DWI cases is not a simple task by any means. It involves large amounts of time and research by a professional lawyer or attorney who is familiar with drunk driving accident cases - someone who will go above and beyond to gather evidence proving that the intoxicated driver that caused your auto accident is charged with gross negligence. Winning punitive damages requires a well researched case and a convincing trial strategy and presentation. Without the help of an experienced DWI attorney with the knowledge and resources that are needed available, the chances of successfully winning punitive damages for your case can decrease.
Call Carabin Shaw: Free Initial ConsultationAt Carabin Shaw, we are passionate about bringing justice to victims injured by those who choose to drive intoxicated on our Texas roads. Our experienced team of DWI attorneys have a proven track record of success and winning not only compensatory, but also punitive damages for our clients.
We will work tirelessly to present a sound case that defends our clients and also punishes those who choose to act negligently. If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident with a drunk driver in Austin, don’t hesitate to call Carabin Shaw toll free at 800-862-1260 or 512-832-1101. Offices located at 111 Congress Ave #500, Austin, TX 78704.