Personal Injury Attorneys Helping Round Rock Burn Victims

Have You Recently Suffered a Burn Injury?

Burn injuries have significant consequences for victims, including severe pain and suffering, lost earning potential, and other financial damages. Burn injuries are often preventable injuries and are some of the most common injuries that occur as a result of another person or entity's negligence. In these cases, it's important to contact a burn injury attorney in Round Rock, Texas to pursue compensation.

Do You Have a Burn Injury Claim?

If someone else's negligence was a significant factor to your burn injury, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Round Rock accident lawyers can help you determine both whether you are entitled to compensation and the amount of compensation you can recover in your case.

The most common causes of preventable burn injuries in Round Rock include:
  • Auto accidents Car accidents on I-35 are often due to negligence. If you've suffered a burn injury in an auto accident (including a car, truck, motorcycle or bus accident), you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim against another driver or the manufacturer of a faulty vehicle.
  • Chemical exposure Another common cause of preventable burn injuries in Round Rock is exposure to chemicals. When a corrosive substance comes into direct contact with skin, it can cause severe burns.
  • Defective product burns Defective products account for many preventable burn injuries in Texas, whether the product in question is a firework, e-cigarette, or automobile.

The Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw have decades of combined experience in personal injury law. One of our experienced lawyers can help you provide the necessary proof for a successful burn injury claim in Round Rock Tx.

When Should I Call Personal Injury Attorneys Helping Round Rock Burn Victims?

As soon as possible. To prove duty of care owed, duty of care breached, causation, and damages in your personal injury case, you'll need to contact a burn injury attorney in Round Rock as soon as possible after your accident. Call the police, take photos, and follow your treatment plan for the best chances at a successful case.

Degrees of Burn Injuries

Your physician will likely categorize your injury into one of three degrees:

  • First-degree burns A first-degree burn is the most minor burn. It only affects the first layer of the skin (the epidermis) and does not form any blisters.
  • Second-degree burns A second-degree burn impacts the dermis, the second layer of skin. These burns blister and cause significant pain to the victim.
  • Third-degree burns A third-degree burn typically impacts deeper tissues than first- or second-degree burns. Third-degree burns often cause permanent scars or physical disfigurement. They can also cause permanent nerve damage in victims, severely impacting their quality of life.

The team of Round Rock accident lawyers at Carabin Shaw can evaluate your case in a free initial case consultation. In general, the value of your injury claim will vary according to the severity of your burn injury. That's why it's critical to hire an attorney for your personal injury case.

What's the Statute of Limitations on Burn Injury Claims in Texas?

In Texas, you have two years from the date of your accident to bring a claim against a defendant, with rare exceptions. In general, if you don't file a claim within the statute of limitations, the courts in Texas will not allow you to recover compensation for your injuries. That's why it's critical to call the Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw as soon as possible after your injury.

Carabin Shaw Can Help | Free Case Evaluation

If you need an lawyer to help you pursue compensation for your burn injury in Round Rock Tx, you can contact us for a free initial case review with our online contact form or at our toll-free number: 1-800-862-1260.

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