Options After Being Burned at Work in Shreveport LA

Despite the presence of safety regulations within workplace environments, work-related burn accidents occur with an alarming frequency. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that more than 5,000 people will require hospitalization following a workplace burn accident each year. While many people doubt a burn accident could ever happen to them, workers in Shreveport Louisiana are not exempt from these hazards.

Because no two workplace burn accidents are exactly alike, many victims have questions about their options after being burned at work in Shreveport LA. The Louisiana burn attorneys at Carabin Shaw are qualified to help victims answer these questions, investigate the circumstances of their accidents, and move forward with effective workplace injury claims. In the process, our experienced attorneys ensure victims receive the resources they need to begin their recoveries and move forward with their lives.

What Steps Should I Take After a Workplace Burn Accident?

Shreveport personal injury attorneys advise that victims seek appropriate medical treatment for their burns before doing anything else. While most victims understand that severe injuries require specialized medical care, many fail to recognize that even minor burns can have serious complications if left untreated. Seeking medical attention in the immediate aftermath of an accident can also help victims establish the severity of their accidents and prove that their injuries did in fact occur within the workplace.

In addition to seeking treatment for their injuries, burn injury lawyers serving Shreveport LA recommend that victims report incidents to their employers as soon as possible. Doing so allows for the collection of time-sensitive evidence, such as photographs from an accident scene, or testimonies from other employees or witnesses. Employers may have different processes for filing workers’ compensation claims, so communicating with them early on is often essential.

Lastly, because burn accidents can result in especially high-value claims, victims will want to consult with a lawyer who is experienced in pursuing workplace injury claims. Working with a Shreveport personal injury attorney allows victims to ensure that their settlements are pursued fairly and efficiently and that predatory insurance companies don’t cheat them out of the compensation they deserve.

How Are Workplace Injuries Typically Compensated?

The vast majority of workplace burn injuries in Shreveport Louisiana are addressed through workers’ compensation claims. These claims typically result in compensation that will be paid out by an employer’s insurance policy, including reimbursement for items like medical expenses and a percentage of an employee’s lost wages. In most instances, workers’ compensation policies protect employers from assuming any further liability, except when they exhibit extreme and flagrant negligence.

In some rare cases, victims may be eligible to file what are known as third-party lawsuits. These cases are often warranted when an entity other than a direct employer either causes or contributes to a victim’s accident. Liable third parties can include manufacturers, vendors, or other subcontractors who may have contributed to the hazardous conditions causing the accident.

Unlike most workers’ compensation claims, third-party lawsuits often allow victims to recover the full amount of their lost income, as well as compensation for ongoing pain and suffering and potentially punitive damages. Speaking with a qualified lawyer is the best way to determine if your circumstances may allow you to file a third-party lawsuit.

The Preferred Law Firm for Workplace Burn Accidents | Free Consultation

If you have been involved in a workplace-related burn accident, don’t wait to speak with a burn injury lawyer serving Shreveport LA about the future of your claim. The Louisiana burn attorneys at Carabin Shaw have years of experience assisting victims as they work to recover the compensation they deserve when their lives are upended by workplace burn accidents.

Call us at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online contact form to get started with a free case review.

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