Most Common Types of Nursing Home Negligence in Uvalde, TX

Regarding nursing home safety, Texas has been ranked worst in the United States twice in a row. This includes nursing homes in the area surrounding Houston which includes smaller towns like Uvalde. The most common types of nursing home negligence in Uvalde, Texas, are unfortunate but preventable.

In 2003, Texas lawmakers placed a financial cap on tort liability payouts at a mere $250,000 on a case-to-case basis. This reform helped to reduce the amount of claims and payouts in order to lure more doctors to the state. However, adverse effects of this ‘tort reform’ have gradually been exposed. It is becoming progressively more difficult for victims in nursing home negligence cases to handle their claims successfully in a legal setting. In times like these, you may require a lawyer’s presence to assist with your claim in court.

An incredible 80% of Texas nursing homes consistently fail to receive an above-average rating score during health inspections. Studies now indicate that nursing homes in the state of Texas are consistently ranked as worst in the entire United States. An overwhelming majority (almost 95%) of all nursing homes in the state have committed some violation of either state or federal safety regulations.

Texas officials in Uvalde and across the state routinely fail to impart significant penalties on these facilities. This does not make it acceptable, and it should not stop victims in these cases from their right to due compensation for damages and losses accrued. If you or a loved one resides in Uvalde and have suffered any form of Uvalde nursing home negligence, you have options, and you deserve to know them. Fortunately, there are a few preliminary steps you can take to preserving your claim as you attempt to obtain compensation; the first of which is self-education and recognition of nursing home negligence as it develops.

Identifying the Most Common Types of Nursing Home Negligence in Uvalde, TX

Perhaps the most shocking thing about nursing home negligence is the fact that it is often difficult to identify. The elderly and abused may be unaware of what constitutes abuse, or unable to recognize negligence due to a deteriorating current mental or physical condition.

These instances require the victim’s family, friends, and loved ones to become well-informed and remain vigilant regarding nursing home treatment. Identification of the issue is the first step to change; self education on behalf of everyone involved can help to mitigate damages and hold guilty and negligent parties accountable as soon as possible so as to prevent further losses and damage.

Some of the most common types of nursing home negligence in Uvalde, Texas, include:

  • Wrongful administration of medication
  • Malnutrition and dehydration
  • Injury or wound neglect
  • Unsanitary and unclean facilities
  • Emotional neglect
  • Overall inattentiveness

A knowledgeable legal voice of a Uvalde nursing home abuse lawyer from Carabin Shaw can help navigate the often confusing circumstances surrounding the litigation of a nursing home negligence cases. On your own, there are few situational characteristics you can look for right away.

Our experienced Uvalde attorneys will stop at nothing to see you properly compensated in any case of involvement in an instance of nursing home negligence. We offer all potential clients an initial consultation free of charge to educate all victims of Uvalde nursing home abuse regarding their best options of obtaining maximum compensation. We also have Spanish-speaking attorneys prepared to provide guidance to all our bilingual clients. Call the lawyers at Carabin Shaw toll free, day or night, toll free at 800-862-1260. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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