McAllen Who has the Legal Right to Represent the Deceased?

Who has the right to recover for the wrongful death of another? Under Texas law, surviving spouses, children and other immediate family members, including parents, can file wrongful death claims.

At Carabin Shaw we have assisted clients who have lost loved ones in a variety of accidents, including car crashes, commercial trucking accidents and motorcycle accidents.

There are two essential elements to a successful wrongful death claim: proving the liability of the negligent party, and demonstrating the full extent of the loss to survivors.

The experienced McAllen wrongful death lawyers at Carabin Shaw will prepare your case for presentation to a jury by thoroughly examining the evidence, identifying possible sources of compensation, interviewing witnesses and assembling a powerful team of experts and legal professionals to support your case.

The personal injury McAllen lawyers at Carabin Shaw will ready your case for presentation to a jury by examining the facts and evidence, recognizing areas of compensation, questioning witnesses and gathering a compelling group of legal professionals and experts to help support the facts in the case.

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The McAllen wrongful death lawyers at Carabin Shaw are available to represent you in this most unfortunate time. Contact us today via email, or by phone at 956.779.2301 day or night.

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