
How Pool Accidents Happen | Houston Injury Lawyer

Every summer in Houston, families flock to swimming pools to escape the Texas heat, and every summer there are unfortunately accidents and deaths related to swimming pools. Most people do not think of danger when they think of swimming pools, but drowning is the leading cause of death in children ages 1 - 4 and Texas led the nation in 2019 with the highest number of drowning deaths in pools and spas.

If you’re wondering how pool accidents happen, we have outlined some of the most common causes of accidents in detail so that you know how to protect you and your loved ones from swimming pool accidents. If you have recently been involved in a pool accident caused by one of the situations below, contact an attorney as soon as possible.

Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents

Lack of proper barriers around the pool

One of the most common causes of accidents around swimming pools comes from a lack of fencing around the pool which allows children to access the pool unsupervised. Without fencing, adults can also fall in the pool unexpectedly and sustain injuries or down.

Fences should be high enough so that children cannot climb over them and they should also have a latching gate. If a pool with no fencing or barriers around it caused your accident, the property owner could face a Houston injury lawsuit for negligence. Call a Houston swimming pool accident lawyer to determine if your accident was caused by negligence.

Lack of anti-entrapment equipment

Entrapment injuries occur when someone’s hair, limbs, jewelry, or clothing gets caught in a pool drain. Because of the prevalence and severity of these injuries, there are regulations in place to ensure that entrapment is prevented, but sometimes pool equipment breaks or falls into disrepair, and opportunities for injuries arise.

Entrapment can result in injuries such as lacerations, broken bones, brain damage, and death. If faulty anti-entrapment equipment caused your accident, call a lawyer immediately to get the compensation you deserve.

Lack of supervision or poor supervision

Children should be supervised at all times while they are swimming. Young children should always be kept within an arm’s length while in the water to ensure that they are safe because drowning happens swiftly and silently. We usually envision drowning to include splashing and screaming for help, but often drowning can happen in a matter of minutes with no physical signs above-water to indicate danger.

Supervisors should never be distracted for any reason or leave children in the pool unattended. Alcohol can often contribute to poor supervision, so never drink alcohol if you are in charge of supervising anyone in a pool.

Improper or hazardous pool deck conditions

Pool owners in Houston are responsible for maintaining a safe area inside the pool as well as on the outside. Improper decking can lead to slip and fall accidents if concrete decking becomes too slippery or wood decking is uneven. If hazardous deck conditions caused your accident, you can file a Houston injury lawsuit to recover compensation for your pain and suffering.

Inadequate depth markers or lighting

Without depth markers, people can mistakenly dive head-first into shallow water which can cause severe head and neck injuries. Divers also cannot see the bottom at night without proper lighting, so having proper lighting is important for swimmer safety as well.

How Can a Lawyer Help With My Swimming Pool Accident Claim?

An attorney can help you by getting to the bottom of the cause of your accident, determining fault, building a case, and recovering compensation for your injuries. After an accident, it can be unclear what the best course of action is to protect your own interests and get the compensation you deserve, so having an expert Houston swimming pool accident lawyer review your case to determine how to recover compensation is vital.

If you need a free, no-obligation consultation from an experienced team of attorneys with an outstanding reputation, call Carabin Shaw at 1-800-862-1260 today.

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We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.
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