Sexual abuse, grooming, and inappropriate touching in Houston Texas daycares can result in long-term trauma and depression for victims and their families. These families may spend thousands of dollars in medical care and therapy costs to treat a child who has experienced daycare sexual abuse.
Unfortunately, the rate of child sexual abuse is unimaginable; statistics suggest that 1 in 1o children will experience this form of abuse in their lifetime. These staggering numbers combined with the potential for lifelong injury have affected millions nationwide.
There are options available to victims and families seeking justice, however. According to Texas law, victims of daycare sexual abuse and their families may be eligible to seek financial compensation through a child injury lawsuit with the help of a qualified child injury attorney.
If your child has experienced daycare sexual abuse, you may be wondering: should you hire a child abuse attorney? What damages are you eligible to claim? What qualities should you look for in a child injury lawyer?
Why You Should Hire a Houston Child Injury LawyerWhile it is within a parent or guardian’s right to represent their child themselves in settlement negotiations, the reality is that it takes significant legal knowledge and negotiation experience to successfully negotiate a fair financial settlement. For that reason, it is recommended that parents whose child has experienced sexual abuse at their daycare facility seek the representation of a qualified sexual abuse attorney in Houston Tx.
An experienced child injury lawyer can:
In short, a Houston daycare injury attorney has the necessary professional qualifications to represent your child injury lawsuit. The process of filing and negotiating a child injury lawsuit can be complex, arduous, and lengthy. When you are represented by a quality attorney, however, you can focus on what matters most: helping your child and family heal from traumatic abuse.
The Texas Personal Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw Can HelpIf you are searching for quality representation for your daycare sexual abuse lawsuit, call the team of child injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw. Our child injury lawyers would be happy to answer your questions regarding your eligibility to file, the damages you can claim in a child injury lawsuit, establishing liability in your lawsuit, and more.
With nearly three decades of practical experience and a team of nationally recognized attorneys, we are confident that we are the best choice for your child injury claim.
When you work with our firm, you can expect:
Our team of English and Spanish-speaking staff would be happy to help schedule your no-cost, no-obligation initial consultation. To schedule your case review with the Texas personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw, call our office toll-free at 800-862-1260. We would be honored to help you and your family seek the justice you deserve.