Help for Truck Wreck Victims in Sonora, Texas

Interstate-10 and State Highway 418, though lifelines for commerce and traffic throughout Southwest Texas, are also the site of frequent truck wreck accidents. Big trucking accidents in Sonora, Texas can leave grieving families, expensive medical bills, and complicated insurance claims. The aftermath of a collision can be a confusing and painful time, and families might have questions about what steps they should take.

Big trucking accidents are incredibly dangerous, both due to the speed of impact on the freeway (the most common location of big trucking accidents) and due to the overwhelming size of most 18 wheelers. A passenger vehicle is at a serious disadvantage in a collision with these vehicles, and these drivers are most at risk of serious injury or death.

In some big trucking accidents, the driver of the 18 wheeler can be held legally responsible for the accident due to negligence, improper training, failure to rest before driving, or disobeying traffic laws. In other cases, the manufacturer or trucking company can be held liable for faulty equipment or engineering. If either of these situations are true of your big trucking collision, the negligence and carelessness of the guilty party should not go unpunished.

If you or a loved one have incurred damages in a big trucking accident, an attorney with experience in accident law can help you to determine if you have a valid claim.

Truck AccidentS in Sonora

A tragic example of a truck accident in Sonora took place in September of 2019. In this case, Texas’ Department of Public Safety reports that the driver of a big rig struck a 1997 Peterbilt towing a semi-trailer in the early morning. The impact caused both vehicles to catch fire; tragically, both drivers were pronounced dead on the scene.

This case is unfortunately not uncommon in its severity. Many big trucking accidents do result in loss of life or, at the very least, severe damage to person and property. If you are injured in a big rig or 18 wheeler accident, contact the Sonora 18 wheeler accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw to discuss seeking compensation with a lawyer experienced in accident law.

How Can an Injury Lawyer Provide Help for Truck Wreck Victims in Sonora, Texas?

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured or killed in a big trucking accident, you should be able to focus on healing or grieving, not complicated lawsuits or overwhelming medical and/or insurance payments. An accomplished injury attorney can help you to determine the extent of damages you can claim. Sonora injury attorneys will help you decide whether your damages fall under any of the following categories:

  • Serious physical injury, such as broken bones, spinal injury, serious brain trauma, or disfigurement.
  • Property damage such as the loss of a vehicle.
  • Mental or emotional trauma.
  • Fatalities caused by truck wreck. (Note: not all fatalities incurred in a truck wreck occur on impact. Sometimes, complications in the days or weeks following the accident can lead to delayed fatality.)

The team at Carabin Shaw Law Firm is here to provide help for truck wreck victims in Sonora, Texas. We have a proven track record of attaining fair compensation for our clients’ truck wreck injuries and will proudly represent your injury claim.

Sonora 18 Wheeler Accident Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

If you or a loved one have sustained damages in a truck accident in Sonora, we are here to help. The Sonora injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw Law Firm have years of experience working in injury law. A proud Texas company, we will fight tirelessly for truck wreck victims in Sonora, Texas. We won’t rest until you receive a fair settlement. Call an attorney toll-free at 1-800-862-1260 to take advantage of our new video conferencing options. All initial consultations are no-cost and no-obligation.

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