Experienced Attorneys for Killeen Burn Victims

If you have suffered from severe burn injuries in Killeen, Texas, you are likely wondering about your financial options. Serious burns require extensive medical care and lengthy periods of recovery, which can leave you unable to work and earn wages. Legal action might be the best way forward, but where do you start?

Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw can help. Our team of personal injury lawyers in Killeen Texas has extensive experience seeing newcomers to the legal process through a successful claim. We offer free, no-obligation consultations and case reviews by phone. To get started, fill out our online contact form or give us a call at 1-800-862-1260.

When Does Negligence Lead to Burn Injuries?

For your personal injury claim to be successful, you should be able to argue that your burn injuries were the result of another party’s negligence. If you are unsure whether or not this is true for you, look into experienced attorneys for Killeen burn victims to discuss the specifics of your case.

Some ways in which another party’s negligence can lead to burns include:

Burns at work

Oil refineries and other work sites that are home to combustible materials pose a significant risk of burn injuries. It is incumbent upon management and ownership to ensure that all proper safety procedures are adequately followed when working with these materials. A lapse in judgment on the part of management can cause workers to suffer severe burns..

Burns at home

Faulty wiring or improper fire standards in a rental property present a fire risk to tenants and speak to negligence on the part of a landlord. If you have suffered from a burn at home due to these issues, look for a Killeen burn injury attorney to help you with a personal injury claim.

Burns from vehicle accidents (car, bus, train, truck, etc.)

A particularly bad car accident can lead to serious burn injuries. In these cases, the at-fault party in the accident could be held legally responsible for the burn. An experienced personal injury lawyer in Killeen Texas can help you determine whether it would be worth pursuing a claim for burns suffered in a car crash.

What Kind of Claim Should I Pursue After a Severe Burn Injury?

After suffering from a burn in Killeen, you will want to file either a workers’ comp claim or a personal injury claim. The type of claim that you should pursue will depend on where and under what circumstances you suffered your injuries.

If you incurred a burn injury at work, you may be able to pursue a workers’ comp claim. Employers in Texas can choose whether or not to provide workers’ comp insurance. If yours does, you will have to file a claim internally within 30 days of the injury. You will also have to show that you incurred your injury as a result of carrying out your duties.

If you were merely burned on the jobsite due to reasons unrelated to work, your claim could be unsuccessful. However, if it is denied, you have the option to appeal. A knowledgeable Killeen burn injury attorney can help you do so.

If your employer does not subscribe to workers’ comp insurance, or if your injuries occurred outside of the workplace, you will have to pursue a personal injury claim. Your lawyer will help you draft a complaint outlining the extent of your injuries, the amount they constitute in economic and noneconomic damages, and the evidence showing that they were the result of the defendant’s negligence. Most personal injury claims are settled out of court.

Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys in Killeen, Texas

If you are ready to begin your legal process, or if you still have questions, Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw are standing by to help. Fill out our contact form or call our team at 1-800-862-1260.

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