Establishing Negligence in a Burn Injury Claim

If you have suffered from debilitating burn injuries near Metairie Louisiana, you are likely considering legal action. Serious burns can result in huge medical bills, an inability to work, chronic pain and physical disfigurement that continue to affect your quality of life even after recovery. The best way to achieve compensation for these economic and noneconomic costs is through legal action, but the process of pursuing a claim or a lawsuit can seem overwhelming.

Fortunately, help is available. With the assistance of a Metairie Louisiana lawyer at Carabin Shaw, you can pursue compensation for the above expenses and non-financial impacts in the form of a settlement. To begin your process, fill out our online contact form or call 800-862-1260 at your earliest convenience for a free case review and initial consultation.

Do My Burn Injuries Warrant a Settlement?

The first step in pursuing a settlement is establishing negligence in a burn injury claim. You will have to demonstrate that another party was, through negligence, responsible for your injuries. If you are unsure whether or not this applies to you, an experienced personal injury lawyer in Metairie can help you determine the validity of your claim.

Negligence can take several forms, both direct and indirect. These forms include:

Auto Accidents

Accidents that result in vehicle fires often leave occupants with severe burn injuries. Louisiana is a particularly hazardous state for drivers, consistently reporting numbers of both accidents and fatalities well above the national average. If the other motorist is at fault, the accident can be seen as the result of their negligent driving.

If you have suffered from serious burns as the result of an accident, look into Metairie burn injury attorneys to assist you with a personal injury claim.

Appliance Malfunctions

Most of us have, at some point, suffered a minor, first-degree burn from carelessly touching a hot stove or accidentally brushing against an oven rack. These burns are the result of user error, and could have been avoided through more careful use of those appliances. However, kitchen appliances have also been known to occasionally malfunction and injure users who were nonetheless doing everything right.

Keurig, the largest manufacturer of coffee makers, was recently involved in a lawsuit over a defect that led to several users incurring scalding burns. Defects like these represent negligence on the part of the manufacturer, either allowing defective products to go to market as a cost-saving measure or failing to implement sufficiently stringent safety testing.

If you have been injured through regular use of a kitchen appliance, contact a personal injury lawyer in Metairie to begin pursuing a settlement.

Structural Fire Hazards

Whether an apartment, an office building, a restaurant or a nightclub, the Office of State obliges Metairie Louisiana building owners to provide occupants and/or customers with a certain number of fire extinguishers, emergency exits, fire escapes (depending on building height), and clear paths to those exits in the event of a fire.

Owners who do not ensure that their buildings meet these standards are acting negligently, putting occupants at serious risk and violating the law. Failure to insure functioning lighting around an exit sign can also put owners in violation of the fire code.

If you have been injured in a structure fire, look for Metairie burn injury attorneys to help you determine whether the building was following proper fire safety standards.

Can I Afford a Lawyer? Schedule a Free Case Review at Carabin Shaw

Attorneys and legal services have the reputation of being expensive. However, the Metairie Louisiana lawyers at Carabin Shaw work on a contingency basis, only accepting legal fees after a successful settlement. Our services offer you a high potential reward with no financial risk.

To learn more, call us at 800-862-1260.

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