
Dog Owner Liability in El Paso - Understanding Your Rights as an Injured Victim

If you've been a victim of a dog attack in El Paso, it's essential to understand your rights, the liability of dog owners, and how the legal system can provide recourse. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore dog owner liability in El Paso, Texas, including relevant laws, the importance of understanding fault in dog attacks, and why hiring an attorney is crucial for pursuing a dog bite claim as well as ensuring victims receive the maximum compensation for dog bite injuries in El Paso.

Texas Dog Bite Laws and Liability

In Texas, the law regarding dog bites is a combination of statutes and common law principles. One crucial factor to consider is that Texas follows the "one-bite rule." This means that a dog owner may not be liable for injuries caused by their dog's first bite, provided they had no prior knowledge of the dog's aggressive behavior. However, subsequent bites could establish liability.

Strict Liability

While Texas follows the one-bite rule, it also recognizes the concept of "strict liability." Under strict liability, a dog owner can be held responsible for injuries inflicted by their dog, even if it's the dog's first aggressive act. To establish strict liability, the injured party must prove that:

  1. The dog bit them.
  2. They were lawfully present where the bite occurred.

This form of liability is particularly relevant when the dog attack happens on the owner's property or in a public place.


In some cases, a dog owner can be found negligent, leading to liability for the victim's injuries. Negligence can be established if:

  1. The owner knew or should have known that their dog posed a risk of harm.
  2. The owner failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the attack.

Dog owners are expected to exercise reasonable care to prevent their dogs from causing harm. If they fail in this duty, they can be held liable for negligence.

Understanding Fault in Dog Attacks in El Paso Tx

Understanding the concept of fault is essential when pursuing a dog bite claim. Whether under strict liability or negligence, establishing fault can impact the outcome of your case. Factors that can contribute to fault in dog attacks include:

  • Owner's Knowledge: If the dog owner knew about their dog's aggressive tendencies, they may be considered at fault.
  • Lack of Restraint: Allowing a dog to roam unrestrained in public places or failing to secure it on one's property can contribute to fault.
  • Provocation: If the victim provoked the dog, it may reduce the owner's liability.
The Benefits of Hiring an Attorney

Pursuing a dog bite claim can be complex, involving legal nuances and negotiations with insurance companies. Hiring an attorney, such as the experienced El Paso personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw, offers several advantages:

  • Legal Expertise: Lawyers are well-versed in Texas dog bite laws and can help you understand your rights and potential liabilities.
  • Negotiation Skills: Attorneys can effectively negotiate with insurance companies to secure fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress.
  • Evidence Collection: Lawyers can assist in gathering and preserving evidence, such as medical records, witness statements, and photographs, to build a strong case.
  • Free Case Review: At Carabin Shaw, we offer a free case review, allowing you to discuss your situation with our team to determine if you have a valid claim. Call toll-free 800-862-1260 to schedule your consultation.
  • Carabin Shaw's Client Reviews: Don't just take our word for it; see what our clients have to say in Carabin Shaw’s client reviews. Our commitment to our clients and their success is reflected in their feedback.
  • Peace of Mind: Hiring an attorney can provide peace of mind during a challenging time. They will guide you through the legal process and advocate for your rights.
Pursuing a Dog Bite Claim in Texas

When pursuing a dog bite claim in Texas, it's crucial to understand the laws and liability associated with dog attacks. Dog owner liability in El Paso, Texas, hinges on factors such as strict liability and negligence. Establishing fault is key to a successful claim, and hiring an attorney can greatly enhance your chances of securing fair compensation.

Remember, if you've been a victim of a dog attack, Carabin Shaw's team of experienced personal injury attorneys is here to provide legal support and help you navigate the complexities of pursuing a dog bite claim. Contact us for a free case review and take the first step toward seeking the compensation you deserve.

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