Do You Suspect Daycare Sexual Abuse? Corpus Child Abuse Attorneys

Daycares are supposed to be places that parents can trust to protect their children and nurture their growth, but sometimes employees of daycares in Corpus Christi Texas violate that trust and abuse children. If the unthinkable happens and your child is sexually abused in a daycare center, you need to understand your next steps and your options for legal recourse against the abuser. According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), about 57,000 children in the US were victims of sexual abuse in 2016.

You should consider speaking to Corpus child abuse attorneys if your child is the victim of sexual abuse in a daycare center. They can help you understand your options for recovering compensation from the abuser and, in some cases, the daycare center itself. Our law firm knows how to help victims of sexual abuse recover the compensation they rightfully deserve. The Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw can help you begin your claim by reviewing the details of your case for free.

The Signs That Your Child May Have Been Sexually Abused in a Daycare Center

If you suspect that your child has suffered sexual abuse at a daycare center in Corpus Christi Texas, there are some signs that you should look out for, such as the following:

  • Your child has newfound sexual knowledge or acts out sexual acts during playtime
  • Redness or swelling in the genital area
  • Newfound fear of their daycare center or caretakers
  • Newly started nightmares, night terrors, or bedwetting
  • Difficulty sitting down
  • Attention seeking behavior or mood swings
  • Fear of being touched by adults

If your child is exhibiting any combination of the above signs and you believe they were abused, you should speak to Corpus Christi Tx child sexual abuse attorneys to begin investigating your claim.

Who Can Be Held Responsible?

When children are sexually abused at daycare centers, there can be several parties held accountable depending on the circumstances of the abuse. In sexual abuse cases, the perpetrator of the abuse will almost always be held liable, but their employers, other employees, and third parties can be found liable if they are complicit in the abuse, helped cover it up, or were negligent in the hiring process to allow a sexual predator around children.

Do you suspect daycare sexual abuse? Call an attorney if so.

The Types of Compensation You Can Recover

Corpus Christi child abuse attorneys can help you recover financial compensation for both your monetary expenses related to the accident and for your child’s physical and emotional suffering.

Some common examples of the damages that victims of sexual abuse can recover are listed below:

  • Medical expenses
  • Therapy costs
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Costs associated with finding a new childcare provider

You may be able to recover additional compensation depending on the specific circumstances surrounding your claim. A lawyer can help you determine the value of your case when they review the details.

The amount of compensation will generally depend on whether or not the daycare provider or another entity with liability insurance can be found at fault or complicit in the abuse. Generally speaking, settlement amounts tend to be lower when only an individual is found liable.

The Legal Team at Carabin Shaw Cares | Free Case Reviews

When your child undergoes an experience as traumatic as sexual abuse, you need to take legal action to recover compensation for their physical and emotional suffering. Our team of dedicated Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw knows how to make abusers pay for their vile actions so that you and your child can make a full recovery. We have recovered over one billion dollars for our past clients because we do everything we can to help our clients win.

We offer free, no-obligation consultations to victims of daycare sexual abuse and their families. You can call us toll-free at 800-862-1260. We are available 24/7, and we have both English and Spanish-speaking representatives available at all times.

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